The development of higher education potential. ERASMUS+: our university got two projects

August 14, 2017

The competition «The development of higher education development» resulted in selecting eight projects in which 41 Ukrainian educational establishments took part. It was held by Executive agency on education, audio and visual means and culture. The cost of these projects is 7,5 mln euros.
These projects aim at realizing educational programs in agriculture logistics, ecology, management and technologies, bio engineering, quality of higher education, implementing modern methods of teaching and learning, the development of cooperation between state and business, the establishment of innovative centres due to experience exchange between countries-members and partners of ERASMUS+.

Among winners there are some professors of NUBiP of Ukraine:

  1. From theoretically focused to practical teaching in agrarian education (the cooperation of two universities from Ukraine, namely, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine and Sumy Agrarian University). The head of the project is professor Anatolii Dibrova.
  2. Professional self improvement of specialists of agrarian sphere in Eastern Europe. The cooperation of seven universities from Ukraine: National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Lviv National Stepan Gzhytskyi University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies, Odesa National Academy of Food Technologies, SE «State certification authority and expertise of agricultural products, State SRI of laboratory diagnostics and veterinary and sanitary examination and Sumy agrarian university). The head of the project on behalf of our university is Andrii Hetia.

Congratulations to the project participants!

Reference: «The development of higher education potential» is a part of international dimension of ERASMUS+. Due to this program European Union support reforms in higher education. Ukraine participated in 355 project in 2014-2017. 24 projects were selected to finance. 68 higher educational establishments of Ukraine are partners of such projects. One of them is a coordinator – grant holder. The cost of these projects is more than 15 mln. euros.

Oleksandr Labenko,
director of ERC for international activity

Regional Educational Institutions (синій)To Applicants (синій)Press-centre

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