University scientists participated in the final meeting «COMET»

June 10, 2017

     2017 is the final year of International scientific and research project of the 7th European Commission «COMET» program (Coordination and implementation of pan European tool for radio ecology). Twenty leading scientific partner-enterprises from Belgium, Finland, Norway, France, England, Spain, Sweden, Germany, Poland, Japan, Australia, the USA and Ukraine. Researchers from NUBiP of Ukraine have conducted innovative researches in the sphere of radioecology and got significant outcomes.

     Faculty staff of Ukrainian Institute of Agricultural Radiology participated in the final meeting which was held in Brugge (Belgium). They are  Professor V. Kashparov, Candidate of biological sciences Sviatoslav Levchuk, Candidate of biological sciences Valeriia Morozova and Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Dmytrii Holiaka).

     The scientists studied physical and chemical properties of Сhornobyl hot particles which are a specific form of Сhornobyl radioactive fallout in the environment, kinetics and calculated the velocity of fuel particles dissolution as in natural conditions so in model environments. It helps to predict the change of radiological situation in ecosystems of Chornobyl zone of isolation including final deposition of radioactive waste and  drained areas of ChNPP Cooling Pond. The results can be used in different emergencies of the emission of irradiated nuclear fuel.

Our researchers have calculated the dynamics of radiocaesium stem penetration into plants which grow on bog soils which have high ratio of transition as well as the penetration of long-lived radionuclides (99Tc, 238-240Pu, 241Am) into agricultural crops.
Valerii Kashparov presented the results of the study of radionuclides flow in forest ecosystems, radiobiological effect of chronic ionizing radiation of reference plant varieties on the area of ChNPP zone.

     NUBiP of Ukraine hosted International seminar “Field course on the effect of the catastrophe at Chornobyl nuclear power station on the environment” in 2016 according to the project plan. 29 students and post graduate students from 10 countries of the world participated in this seminar. European leading scientists and radiologists conducted lectures and laboratory classes.

The contribution of NUBiP researchers into the project of the 7th European Commission «COMET» program is productive. It is a significant step of NUBiP of Ukraine on the way to the international cooperation.


Taras Malahovskyi 

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