Teachers and Master students of the Faculty of Economics learnt about Poland’s experience in reforming pension provision

June 5, 2017

     The Department of Global Economics held a training “Global perspectives on pension provision in Ukraine: Poland’s experience” for teachers of the Faculty of Economics and Masters of Applied economics. Dariusz Novak, a professor of Poznan University of Economics and Wojciech Mahinskyi, Marcin Lytovchenko, businessmen from Poland participated in this training.

     Participants discussed issues of reforms in Ukraine in anticorruption activity, changes in bureaucratic system, justice system, pension, decentralization, tax, deregulation and entrepreneurship development, safety, energetic sphere.

     The results of the analysis of pension reform in Poland and the ways of their application in Ukraine were also brought into open.

L.М. Sokol, V.L. Heraimovych

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