A large-scale forest fire occurred in the pine stands near the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant

June 21, 2017

June 21 at 15:15 in Energodar city, there was a large fire in Ivanovo forest district. Because of the strong wind, the fire spreads over 12 hectares. The Ivanovo forest district’s foresters and the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant staff suppress the fire together. For the forest fire localization was paved firebreaks and for fire suppression used water.

Also on the site worked up to fifty rescuers from the Kamyans'ko-Dniprovsky and Mikhaylivsky districts and 11 units of special equipment. Struggle with the element lasted almost four hours.

As the press service of the Regional Emergency Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Zaporizhia region, the cause of the forest fire being investigated and will be installed later.

Source link: http://iz.com.ua/zaporoje/v-sosnovom-lesu-okolo-zaporozhskoy-aes-proizoshel-masshtabnyiy-pozhar.html



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