NUBiP of Ukraine is a laureate of Scopus Award

May 19, 2017

     May, 19 is Day of Science in Ukraine. Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine organized a meeting to award Scopus Awards Ukraine. Scopus Awards Ukraine is an award by Ministry of Education and Science and Elsevier, a publishing house and a service provider which offers the highest citation database of peer-reviewed scientific literature Scopus.  
       Different criteria were taken into account when identifying winner. These criteria are the number of articles published in database Scopus, and the number of citations these works have in researches of other scientists. The winner was the one who has the largest citation score in this database.

     In the nomination of agricultural sciences National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine was the best among all agricultural universities and research institutions of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine. Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Liliia Grinevych and Vice President of Elsevier Koen van der Crots presented Stanislav Nikolaienko with a statuette and a diploma of the winner.

Valentyn Obrambalskyi 

Regional Educational Institutions (синій)To Applicants (синій)Press-centre

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