Students from Italy Isabella Dorontso and DI Tarantino Francisco Paolo are finishing their spring semester at NUBiP of Ukraine under Erasmus+ program

May 9, 2017

    According to Erasmus+ mobility program two students from University of Foggia (Italy). Isabella Dorontso is studying at Faculty of Economics and Di Tarantino Francisco Paolo is studying at Faculty of Food Technologies and Quality Control of Agricultural Products.

    Isabella is studying macroeconomy, statistics, accounting and finance. Together with a teacher of statistics and her coordinator Oksana Makarchuk. Isabella is writing an article for a journal.
     Francisco Paolo is interested in quality control and food safety, psychology , molecular biology, technical micro biology, hygiene and sanitary of processing enterprises. Coordinator Olena Ochkolias conducts sightseeing around the city and organizes meetings with students to popularize Erasmus+ mobility program.

     Both students are finishing their spring semester at National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine and are preparing to take their exams and pass and fail exams. Erasmus+ enabled these students to develop holistically in order to enhance their knowledge.
     Centre for international affairs, Faculty of Economics and Faculty of Food Technologies and Quality Control of Agricultural Products support Italian students to feel comfortable in Ukraine. 

     We wish them to pass their exams successfully.

Oleksandr Labenko 

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