Registration for international fieldcourse on «Experimental Radioecology and Radiobiology»

5 June 2017, 19:21

Registration for international fieldcourse on

«Experimental Radioecology and Radiobiology»

Aim: - to obtain practical skills of working in radiation contaminated territories like Chernobyl exclusion zone (ChEZ), through solving actual problems in radiation ecology.



Structure: During the couse participants are expected to work on the following problems:

1) Forest fires in ChEZ: risk and consequences estimation, developing recommendations for prevention.
2) Nuclear power plant cooling pound drainage: estimation on the influence on environment, providing recommendations for further implementation.
Participants are expected to choose problems (either (1) or (2)), and to contribute to a group report on one of the topics, that will be given in the a further synopsis.

Credits: you will be able to get 5 credit points from this course.

Location and time frame: overall course duration - June 18 – 28 2017, including:
June 18 – 20: lectures in UIAR labs, preparation for a field trip;
June 21 – 24: fieldtrip to Chernobyl exclusion zone, working on the chosen research topic;
June 24 – 28: lectures in UIAR labs, preparation of a course report.

Participation requirements:

  • Master students, PhD students;
  • Be interested in studying of environmental problems of nuclear power and overcome the consequences of Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear power plants disasters;
  • Participants are asked to bring their laptops;
  • Travel and accommodation for NUBiP and NMBU students will be covered by CPEA-2015/10108 project.  

Registration: In order to apply for the course, please fill in the attached form

Olena Pareniuk, NUBiP, [email protected] – UIAR course coordinator
Valery Kashparov, UIAR, [email protected] – director of the UIAR
Ole Christian Lind, NMBU, [email protected] – NMBU course coordinator

Looking forward to meeting you in Kiev! 


Regional Educational Institutions (синій)To Applicants (синій)Press-centre

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