Kolos University Company became a laureate of Golden Lion International Festival

April 3, 2017

To become experienced participants of amateur groups of the department of culture studies of our university should take part in creative competitions and festivals. So when a ballet group of people’s company “Kolos” was invited to participate in “Golden lion” international competition our students together with their company leaders didn’t hesitate and agreed with pleasure. This festival took place in Lviv on March 24-26.


Non-commercial organization “European youth league” organizes festivals which are attended by participants from different countries. This time there were 3,129 participants from Bulgaria, Belarus, Moldova, the USA, Poland, Romania, and Ukraine and among them there were more than one hundred dance groups.


Apart from participating in the competition our students gave four concerts. Dancers say that each minute spent on the stage was a celebration and hard work at the same time, and they were rewarded with applauses, joy and victory. Kolos University Company got First Laureate Diploma. The prize is a journey to Kitten in Bulgaria where participants will rest in a recreation zone at the Black Sea. The head of Hryhorii Chapkis Producer centre M. Orlovskyi, the jury of Ukraine’s pop dance association M. Leybuk and the head of YNO “European youth league” V. Nechytailo highly evaluated the mastery of our university company.

Kolos participants express their attitude to the leader of a dance group, senior teacher of the department of culture studies Valerii Oleksiyovych Muzaliov, and associate professor of the department of mechanization of livestock raising Viktor Ivanovych Rebenko for their effort and support.

Iryna Maydaniuk 

To Applicants (синій)Regional Educational Institutions (синій)Press-centre

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