Our university scientists are at conference «Agriculture of the 21st century – problems and challenges» in Wroclaw

April 5, 2017

     The 2nd scientific and practical conference «Agriculture of the 21st century – problems and challenges» took place in Wroclaw. Scientists of the department of standardization and certifying of agricultural products and the department of meat, fish and marine products participated in it.

       Contemporary agriculture is a rapidly increasing business. So the issue that the conference considered was the issue of the development of modern technologies and systems which are used in modern agriculture. The conference enabled researches from all over the world to present the results of the work. Scientists discussed and shared the ideas which influence on the choice of the focus of further researches.

       Associate professor Yuliia Slyva made a speech «Features of implementation of Global GAP standard requirements in terms of agricultural production Ukraine», Nataliia Silonova – «The analysis of international requirements on food safety, environmental protection, and worker health, safety and welfare», and Olha Priadko – «The influence of micro elements on the ripen and on the quality of cheese with the chederisation of the cheese mass». The concurrent session where our scientists participated was also attended by scholars from Turkey, Africa, Czech Republic. The presentations of our researchers were actively discussed.


Nataliia Silonova,
associate professor of
the department of standardization and
certifying of agricultural products 

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