Developing cooperation with higher school of agriculture of France (ISA) under ERASMUS +

March 15, 2017

     A university delegation consisting of O. Labenko, head of research and education centre for international activity, T. Stefanovska and L. Kava, associate professors of the department of enthomology, O. Ivanova, head of the department of the English language of technical and agro and biological specialties and K. Chymosh, a specialist of an international department participate in the training organized at higher school of agriculture (ISA Lille, France) to develop international credit mobility.

       The following issues are considered: the implementation of innovative pedagogical methods of education, the use of case study and attendance of thematic seminars which are conducted using case study. Our delegation met representatives of an international department of higher school of agriculture and professors of different faculties who do researches of different scientific focuses. The urgent issue of an international cooperation between universities is acknowledgment of academic results (ECTS credits) under the student mobility program at NUBiP of Ukraine.

       Another problem is the decrease of students who want to enter higher educational institiutions in France (Ukraine is having the same problem). The solution is to organize the academic process in English. It will help to admit foreign students.
       An international cooperation between universities will result in professors’ and students’ mobility and exchange and organization of joint international events.

       O. Ivanova together with a French colleague discucced modern methods of teaching French as a foreign language and the peculiarities of teaching foreign languages for specific purposes, student motivation and their research activity.

       T. Stefanovska and L. Kava attended a meeting where they discusses the issues of ecology.

       Our delegation learnt about a cultural heritage of this picturesque part of Flanders and visited training centres. 

Vadym Tkachuk,
vice-rector for Scientific and Pedagogical work,
International Activity and Development

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