To become successful in life and in business…

March 22, 2017

     Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy hosted seminar «LEADERSHIP. RISE-OF UP FUTURE LEADERS UKRAINE» for their students on March 20-21, 2017. The unique feature of these seminars were the speakers. They are Wayne Morris and Ellen Nixon, both are successful business from U.S. Wayne Morris have worked as a top in the departments of marketing and sales including such big companies as Procter&Gamble, Black&Decker, Sunbeam, Brunswick. His latest positions are President of American Camper, an affiliate of Brunswick, President of Health o Meter, an affiliate of Sunbeam. Miste Morris is a trainer and mentor of students of МВА, Kennesaw State University.

       Ellen Nixon is the owner of «Campaign to increase LLC», which specialises mostly in healthcare.

       The key points of the seminar were Can You be Ethical & be Successful in Ukraine?; Where Are You Heading & Do You Have Goals To Take You There ? Leadership, Six Questions Concerning Leadership; How Are You Marketing Yourself? Positioned In The Minds Of Influential People? (Dewalt)?; Decisions To Success; Can One Person Make A Difference.

       This seminar is not a rare occasion at the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy. They are supported by dean Vasyl Shynkaruk. In his welcoming speech Vasyl Dmytrovych said about the significance of such seminars for students of the faculty as students have an opportunity to communicate with native speakers, to train in English and to learn about new methods of teaching a language. 

       This seminar lasted for two days. The environment was very friendly. Students trained their speaking skills, asked questions, shared their own opinions on the future career promotion, the vision of the future of Ukraine, and answered American colleagues questions. Vice-dean Vasyl Kovalchuk thanks the participants for the fruitful and interesting work, invited guests to future meetings. Head of Research and Educational center for international activity Oleksandr Labenko greeted guests on behalf of the university and presented them with souvenirs.

       At the end of the seminar American guests surprised us. They dressed in clothes with Ukrainian symbols and sand Ukrainian anthem together with students and teachers. 


       Students received certificates of participation and took photos with guests.

Vasyl Kovalchuk,
vice-dean of Faculty
of Humanities and Pedagogy,
Oksana Ivanova,
head of Department of English for Technical and Agrobiological specialties 

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