NUBiP of Ukraine is an active participant of ICA ( European Association of Universities of Life Sciences)

February 2, 2017

     Vice-rector Vadym Tkachuk is participating in the today’s meeting of ICA ( European Association of Universities of Life Sciences) which is taking place in Warsaw, Poland.


     The goal of the meeting is to approve the association action plan for the period of 2017-2020, to develop a structural management of the association, to enhance the cooperation with regular committees such as ІСА-EDU, AGRINATURA, CASEE, AGRIMBA, IROICA, ERABEE, ISLE, SILVA, to expand membership of the association, to consider the issue of collaboration with GCHERA - Global Confederation of Higher Education Associations for Agricultural and Life Sciences. Our University is one of the founders of this confederation. The 9th conference “Global Food Security and Food Safety: The Role of Universities” will be held at Nanjing Agricultural University from 28 to 30 October 2017.


Oleksandr Labenko,
director of educational and scientific centre for international activity  

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