Faculty staff of Faculty of Livestock Raising Water Bioresources are training abroad

January 17, 2017

     In December 2016 Ruslan Kononenko, an associate professor of the Aqua culture Department, trained in Israel. This training became possible due to Ruslan’s winning MASHAV’s grant program (Israel) and completed the course “Intensive pond aqua culture”.

     Program participants were able to learn about the agricultural management of Israel, new technologies and research developments, peculiarities of fish management, the state and ways of providing consumers with fish products, the program included to learn about peculiar kinds of hydro bionts, technological process of their growing, veterinary processes, quality control of products, the system of management and consulting. The learners visited the leading firms which provide farms with feedstuff and necessary equipment.


     The training resulted in writing and defending projects by the participants. Ukraine’s delegation presentation the project which was the best and Ukraine has got the opportunity to cooperate further in this domain. 

     Ukraine’s delegation will present the outcomes of the training in research journals.

Vadym Kondratiuk,
dean of Faculty of Livestock Raising and Water Bio resources 

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