The department of management named after Y. S. Zavadskyi continues active scientific Ukrainian-Canadian cooperation

November 16, 2016

     Professor Tetyana Balanovska and professor Lesya Zaburanna participated in round table discussion “The role and perspectives of cooperation to develop agrarian production and formation of business skills in students” due to their work on Ukrainian-Canadian scientific grant to conduct a mutual research together with Université de Sherbrooke (Canada)» (supported by the government of Canada. It is the project of crop preservation and agrarian cooperative farms in Ukraine). The round table discussion took place at Dnipropetrovsk state agrarian and economical university. The scientists represented a group of researchers from National University of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine who do the project and presented the achievements.

     Many scientists from many higher educational establishments, representatives from Canadian crop projects, Cooperative Academy, members of cooperatives and students participated in the round table discussion. Professor Lesya Zaburanna presented research outcomes of researches from NUBiP of Ukraine. These achievements were highly appreciated by those present at the discussion. The results of gender and sensitive sociological research (which covered respondents from five regions of Ukraine) were also presented which aimed at figuring out motivation and characteristic features of a personality in order to do business in agrarian sphere as well as team work skills. Another goal of this questioning was identifying causes which hinder the development of agricultural service farms in Ukraine.

     Canadian delegation highly appreciated the conducted research for the development of business skills of people who live in the countryside, activation cooperation movement in Ukraine and enhancement of women’s role in social and economic revival of agricultural areas. All members of the team of researchers received certificates from Université de Sherbrooke (Canada) that confirmed the successful realization of the set goals and offer for further scientific collaboration. Other questions which were discussed at the round table were urgent issues of development of cooperatives which need further study and prior foci of applied researches for cooperatives were set.

      NUBiP of Ukraine, Dnipropetrovsk state agrarian and economical university and Université de Sherbrooke signed a document of cooperation in science and in the sphere of improvement of academic and methodological comples of Master’s program, “Management of cooperatives” as well as in supporting students’ initiatives and competitions and their training to realize the project of the development of grain preservations and agricultural cooperatives and mutual scientific work of teachers’ on the issues of the development of cooperation in Ukraine because cooperatives can play a major role in the revival of agrarian sector of Ukraine.

Oleksandr Novak,
vice dean of the department of agrarian management

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