NUBiP of Ukraine has successfully licensed Master's program “Administrative Management” at the European Accreditation Commission ACQUIN

November 28, 2016

    International accreditation is a very important event in the recognition and development of higher education in Ukraine and in particular in training specialists for agriculture. We congratulate all the staff and students of NUBiP of Ukraine and the Faculty of Agricultural Management because , on such a significant event because it is the first international accreditation universities conducted by “ACQUIN” in Ukraine.

     On November, 23-24 the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Trizdorf (Bavaria, Germany) hosted celebrations to mark the presentation of certificates of international accreditation of Master's program “Agrarian Management” (“Administrative Management” - in NUBiP of Ukraine) with participation of ambassadors and consuls of foreign countries. National Unviersity of Lif and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine was represented by vice rector for academic and educational work, doctor in economics, professor Sergiy Mykolayovych Kvasha

     The European Accreditation Commission “ACQUIN” conducted this international accreditation, in which 13 partner universities from Germany, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia and Russia.
     Accreditation Commission was represented by six prominent professors of German universities and with the participation of European students and agribusiness. Delegates of ACQUIN noted that the accreditation process was not easy, because it was firstly held by 13 partner universities from 6 countries simultaneously, which a joint master's program is being implemented.

     In Ukraine National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine and Sumy National Agrarian University are the first educational establishments that over 15 years ago started cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Trizdorf (Germany) to develop a joint master's program. And now this program received international recognition!

     This Master’s program was launched NUBiP of Ukraine jointly with the University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Trizdorf (Germany) in 1998 with the participation of our students in practical applications of the German university. On December 8, 2001 an agreement to establish a joint graduate school was signed. In 2002 NUBiP of Ukraine enrolled first students to obtain Master's program "Administrative Management", which focused on the problems and tasks of Ukrainian agriculture using a rich experience of economic development of Western Europe and with advanced technology of education. 

     Prof. Shtrobel G. had been the founder and leader of this Master's program on German side till 2010. His idea of developing an educational project that had a powerful effect on the research of agricultural management is invaluable. Now his work is continued by prof. R. Shlauderer and prof. J. Holzner and they have taken great efforts to succeed in international accreditation.

     This Master's program in NUBiP of Ukraine has been developed by doctor of economics, professor Galushko V.P., doctor of economics, professor Dibrova A.D., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Kovtun O.A., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Ostapchuk A.D. It is also supported by vice-rector for educational activities, doctor in economics, professor Kvasha S.M.

     In 2002-2004 a graduate of the German university Zinych N.F. coordinated this project. And since 2003 candidate of economic sciences, associate professor N.O.Perederiy has been coordinating this project. By the way, N.O. Perederiy is also a graduate of this German university.

     The current objectives of the program “Administrative Management” are to train a new generation of leaders and managers who are able to solve complex economic problems, develop successful business development strategies, efficiently use modern business technologies. Important features of the international Master’s program “Administrative Management” are its focus on the realities of Ukrainian agribusiness, a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, involvement Ukrainian-German-speaking highly professional teaching staff in the academic process, conducting professional seminars for the teaching faculty and students.

Volodymyr Afanasenko 

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