Expanding research cooperation with scientists from University of Missouri (the USA)

November 15, 2016

     A senior teacher of the department of administrative management and foreign economic affairs Dmytro Kyryliuk participated in the meeting of leading researchers and postgraduate students of College of Agriculture, food and natural resources of University of Missouri (the USA). Dmytro undergoes his research there. The exchange program supported by Ministry of agriculture of the USA enabled him to do it.

     Our teacher made a speech on the topic «Comparative analysis of the system of education in Ukraine and in the USA: American experience» and informed about the peculiarities of Ukrainian education, reforming of higher education, defined main difference between Ukrainian and American universities. He also showed the achievements of our university and our research focuses. His speech was disputable and interesting. It was actively discussed by professors of this university and postgraduate students who study here by different international programs and do their researches here.

    The meeting resulted in making a decision of cooperation between both universities and development of event plan for the next three years. We will expand cooperation, research the development of agrarian policy, develop of new mutual academic courses, and do mutual researches as well as conduct international conferences.

Vadym Tkachuk,
vice rector for scientific and pedagogical work, international activity and development,
Maryna Halat,
head of the Union of Young scientists 

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