How to be a success at a labour market: a seminar conducted by American lecturers Mark Friex and Wayne Morris took place in our university
The department of management named after professor Yos. S. Savadskyi supported by the administration of Faculty of agrarian management conducted a two-day seminar for students and teachers. Mark Frix and Wayne Morris gave their lectures there.
Mark Frix is president of Master Plan Retirement Consultants. He started his career when he was 21. In 1992 he founded his own company of medical therapy. Annual net profit is more than a million dollars. In 2010 he established a financial and consulting company Master Plan Retirement Consultants which is appreciated due to expert work in financial planning in West Metro Atlanta. Nowadays Mark Fransis is a board member of The Family Restoration and Healing Center. He obtained his Bachelor degree in business management in Shorter College and conducts training seminars in France, Romania and Hungary.
Wayne Morris has worked more than thirty years as top manager in marketing and sales departments of such companies as Procter & Gamble, Black & Decker in eight countries of Europe. Since 2003 he has been conducting seminars in marketing, management, personnel management, strategic planning and management, crisis management for heads of enterprises in Ukraine. He also conducts consulting services and helps to run small business. He is a trainer and mentor of MBA students in University Kennesaw.
The lecturers spoke about the difficulties of searching jobs at a labour market, how to set and plan own goals, how to develop leader skills and so on. They presented the right structure of CV, the job interview, personal development, how to succeed in business and in life, how to broaden one’s outlook. Students and teachers saw presentations and videos, interesting cases. Students asked many questions about the possibility of successful job search and American experience in this sphere.
What surprised the audience apart from the creative way of presenting the material, is the fact that the lecturers wore clothes with Ukrainian symbols and asked the audience to sing a Ukrainian anthem.
All participants got certificates of attendance.
Lesia Zaburanna,
acting head of the department
of management named after Yus. S. Zavadskyi