Young researchers from NUBiP of Ukraine at Warsaw University of Life Sciences

November 8, 2016

     XVII conference «Molecular biology in diagnosing infectious diseases and biotechnologies» was held in Crystal Hall of Warsaw University of Life Sciences on November 5, 2016. Leading specialists in the sphere of biology from different countries of Europe participated in this conference. Senior teacher of the department of eco bio technology and bio diversity of NUBIP of Ukraine Tetiana Ivanova took part in this conference too.

      Vice-Rector for research, professor, Marian Binek says that he is honoured to see as prominent scientists in this sphere so young researchers. He also adds that he believes that the range of scientific interests of the conference spreads across the borders of Poland.

      After the plenary session participants discussed research focuses and personal research achievements. At sessions young researchers presented their speeches, the best presenters got certificates. Among them there was Tetiana Ivanova’s presentation about scientific achievements of NUBiP of Ukraine.


     Our university has tight ties with Warsaw University of Life Sciences, that is why we have many focuses to develop out collaboration. Tetiana Ivanova says that Polish colleagues agree to participate in our conference «Bio technology: achievements and expectations», which will take place in Kyiv in May 2017 and are interested in the further collaboration with NUBIP of Ukraine. 


Mykola Patyka,
head of the department of eco
biotechnology anf bio diversity

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