Representatives of the Embassy of Kingdom of Netherlands in Ukraine are getting acquainted with the scientific research of our colleagues

June 16, 2016

     On June 14, the Delegation of the Embassy of Kingdom of Netherlands in Ukraine visited leading enterprises of our region. The delegation included current Ambassador Adviser on agriculture Evert Jan Kraenbrink (who ended the four-year term and will work with the relevant embassy in Tokyo), Carolin Spaans (newly appointed Ambassador Adviser) and his assistants Kateryna Tushynska and Alina Bilan.

     Among the companies and institutions that were attended by special guests there are Scientific and Practical Center of Greenhouse Technology in Mezhyhirya. This is where researchers of the Chair of Automation and Robotic Systems n.a. Acad. I.I. Martynenko conduct their research. They shared information about the structure of the center, its main tasks, and then submitted their experimental development. Conversation was also about collaboration with Dutch companies Delphy and Philips, problems and prospects of further integration into European educational space.

     Mrs. Carolin Spaans highly praised the conducted works and promised full support on the Dutch side in the promotion and implementation of this project.
     In passing, we would like to thank Mr. Evert Jan Kraenbrink for fruitful cooperation during his stay in Ukraine and wish him new achievements in fulfilling new mission, and, of course, assistant advisers Kateryna Tushynska and Alina Bilan.

Volodymyr Reshetyuk,
Associate Professor of the Chair of Automation and
Robotic Systems n.a. Acad. I.I. Martynenko 

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