Students of the Department of Veterinary Medicine - winners of the Second International Conference of veterinary students

May 25, 2016

    On May 15, 2016, with the support of Scientific Society of Veterinary Students and the Chair of Veterinary Medicine of Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Polish university saw the Second International Conference of Veterinary Students. It gathered representatives of Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Macedonia, Slovakia, Romania and Germany.

     Department of Veterinary Medicine of NULES was represented by postgraduates from the Chairs of Epizootiology and Veterinary Medicine Organization, and Animal Anatomy n.a. V.H. Kasyanenko Myroslava Hulyanych and Kateryna Hrom, masters Ivan Yakymchuk, Maria Smirnova, Anastasia Pavlyukova, Yesenia Luhova and bachelor Denys Tsvilikhovskyi. During the event, they had a good opportunity to socialize in a friendly atmosphere, share experiences and their research practices with foreign colleagues.

     Reports of our young scholars aroused lively interest and won three second places for oral presentations (Denys Tsvilikhovskyi, Ivan Yakymchuk, and Maria Smirnova) and one third place for participating in the portraiture session of the conference (Myroslava Hulyanych). And the papers of Kateryna Hrom, Anastasia Pavlyukova and Yesenia Luhova were awarded honorary certificates of distinctness by the Organizing Committee.

     We wish our young scholars new professional success!

Maryna Halat 

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