University scholars have received presidential grants

May 24, 2016

     As a dedication to Science Day, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko signed an order on appointing grants for Doctors of Science for scientific research in 2016. It is significant that two of the 14 grants were given to NULES scholars – Professors Roman Vasylyshyn and Mykola Patyka. This demonstrates the high level of science at our university, which is a leading research higher educational institution of the country.
     We had a talk with the owners of Presidential Grants of 2016 and asked to tell more about their areas of research and their attitude to such recognition.

– Which research area were you distinguished for with a grant?



     Roman Vasylyshyn: – It is bioenergetics area of forestry research, associated with the development of theoretical and methodological foundations evaluation and criteria for sustainable use of energy potential of wood biomass in forests of Ukrainian Carpathians. The study focuses on ecologically sustainable use of the resource potential of forest wood biomass, which must be based on sustainability, without disturbing the balance between the value of the resource and ecological and social functions of forest communities of studied region.

     Mykola Patyka: – My project is a continuation of the course of grants. It is focused on environmental conservation and sustainable development and fundamental research on natural sciences (biotechnology, microbiology, molecular biology). Scientific research generate development of modern systems of biocontrol of insect-pests based on polymorphism of natural populations of entomopathogenic bacteria of Bacillusthuringiensis group (Bt) with a wide range of entomopathogenic properties such as producers of bioactive substances and microbial agents for phytodefence. This will allow optimizing and developing a corresponding system of insect-pests biocontrol, evaluate the polymorphism of new strains-producers and effectively implement scientific development in the practice of agricultural production.

– What are the criteria for candidate selection?

     M.P.: – An important condition for the grant is not only the need or understanding of the problem at hand, but algorithms of its solution, expected results and scientific justification. The selection of candidate projects, main evaluation criteria were topic timeliness, scientific idea originality, scientific innovation in the formulation and methods of research and scientific and practical significance of the expected results, innovative approach to the research, scholars’ scientific qualification, availability of necessary material and technical base.

     R.V.: – Key criteria for participation in the annual competition for grants of the President of Ukraine for Doctors of Science for scientific research, which was carried out by the State Fund of Fundamental Research, was the richness and relevance of research-and-development projects, that shall differ due to their novelty in the formulation and research methods, and to have great scientific and practical significance.

– What does the Presidents’ grant mean to you?

     M.P.: – First of all, it’s the measure of relevance, credibility and successful scientific and innovation component of scientific research.

     R.V.: – Recognition of the importance of an ongoing research (personal and general research and development institute of forestry and ornamental horticulture), the relevance of already elaborated results of the present research direction and receiving the ability of wider involvement of talented youth to the scientific work.

– What does obtaining the grant mean to you in a practical sense?

     R.V.: – Obtaining grant funding for scientific research. In conditions of chronic underfunding of science in Ukraine, it is an important tool to ensure the functioning of research-and-development laboratories of the Institute, at least partial strengthening of their material and technical base, which, in turn, will ensure the quality and competitiveness of research efforts.

     M.P.: – This integration of science and production, providing increased efficiency and attractiveness of national scientific research programs and projects, and innovativeness of the project – is a key factor of dynamic development and competitiveness of modern science.

Conversation was held by Iryna Bilous 

To Applicants (синій)Regional Educational Institutions (синій)Press-centre

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