Mykhaylo Mushtruk: production of alternative fuels is necessary to preserve ecological safety and acquiring additional energy resources

May 17, 2016

     On the eve of Science Day we are launching a series of short interviews with our young scholars, the next generation of scientists who will advance forward the national economy and Ukraine.


     Among them – PhD in Technical Sciences, assistant of the Chair of Processes and Equipment for Processing Agricultural ProductsMykhaylo Mushtruk. He has been dealing with the problem of production of alternative fuels for seven years. And he is convinced: with proper attention, especially those of the leaders of our country, in replacing the corresponding traditional types of fuels, produced from unconventional sources and types of energy resources, Ukraine has very good prospects in this direction. Why he devoted his PhD to this issue and chose the path of a scholar will be uncovered in our today’s conversation.


– Of all the options available, why have you chosen the path of a scholar?
     – Once, when being a student, I visited a large scientific conference. Out of all that I heard there, of particular interest for me was a report of a scholar, who spoke about the use of alternative energy sources in EU countries. So I approached him for a talk after the speech. That alone, perhaps, became the push for choosing the path of a scholar.

– Your scientific subject “Processing the recoverable resources of processing and food productions into alternative fuels”. What was the reason behind this choice?
     – The energy crisis has affected almost all countries, Ukraine was not an exception. An active incorporation of alternative energy resources followed. The meat processing enterprises of Ukraine alone annually deposit about 200,000 tons of animal fats, factories for producing meat and bone flour – about 100,000 tons. And taking into account leather processing, poultry plants, restaurant industry institutions, this figure will make 800,000 tons. It is clear, that their disposal in order to preserve ecological safety and acquiring additional energy resources is a need. Therefore, the development of technology and equipment for processing the recoverable resources of processing and food production facilities into liquid biofuel has become a burning topic. And consequently, I have chosen this topic for research.

– What is the applicable value of your research?
     – It lies within the creation and research of new processing sequences of animal fats and their waste into alternative fuel for diesel engines, heating oil, feed for livestock and poultry, fertilizers for agricultural enterprises, lubricants for machines and metal-working benches and their instrumentation. As well as the development of technical regulations on deep processing of fats.
Applied value will be acquired in the development of new process flow diagrams for production, technical regulations for the production of innovative products, computer-aided design and installations for processing of fat-containing waste, manufacturing experimental synthesis facility for liquid biofuels. For now I’m working on the above mentioned.

– Who, I mean superviser, has played a major role in choosing the area of your applied search?
     – Above everyone else it’s my PhD scientific adviser Head of the Chair of Processes and Equipment Processing of Agricultural Products, Professor Yuriy Sukhenko. With gratitude I also recall an Associate Professor Ruslan Shatrov, who played a big role in my academic formation.

– What are you dreaming about today?
     – In this case, it is very simple: about peaceful sky over our heads.

Conversation was led by Iryna Bilous 

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