International mobility of students of the Department of Humanities and Pedagogics in action

May 12, 2016

     As part of the development program of the University “Holosiivska initiative-2020”, on May 11, 2016 on the Department of Humanities and Pedagogics a meeting between Dean Vasyl Shynkaruk, Deputy Dean of the Department of Plant Protection, Biotechnology and Ecology Yuliya Rybalko and the representative of the international department of Pomeranian Academy in Słupsk (Poland) Evgenia Spivakovska, which main purposeis signing a cooperation agreement.

     Business talks held a discussionabout the educational programs projects for the academic degree “Bachelor” with specialties “Social work” and “Philology” and schedule of educational process considering the correlation of course subjects and their possible re-admission.
     It was agreed that the “double degree” program specialty “Social pedagogics” and internships for students majoring in “Philology” starts in 2016/2017 academic year.
     Attention was also paid to internshipsprospects ofscientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Humanities and Pedagogics at Pomeranian Academy in Słupsk.

     We thank Polish colleagues for expressedinterest in our university and we hope for a fruitful future cooperation.

Svitlana Kharchenko

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