Assistant Vyacheslav Havrylyuk speaks about internship at the International Institute of India

May 5, 2016

     Recently, assistant of the Chair of Electrical Machinery and Power Systems Operation Vyacheslav Havrylyuk returned from India, where he served internshipon web programming at Aptech International Institute. We asked him to share his impressions of his stay in New Delhi.
     India is a country of incredible experiences, open opportunities and friendly people. It opened the door for me for 14 weeks. That’s how long I was a student of Aptechinternational Institute in New Delhi among other 34 students from 23 countries.

     I got this opportunity throughtraining courses under ITEC program (Indian Technical & Economic Cooperation Programme), organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of India. This program fully covers the costs of training in the selected college, study tours, tickets to India, hotelstay. And its participants get a scholarship to live in a country in amount of 25 thousandrupees per month. If someone is interested, you find out more about ITEC on its official websitewith the ability to choose the educational institution, registration and filing of application for participation.
     Of all the suggested options, I selected Aptech Institute and spoken English courses and web design.

     Aptech is an international institution that has branches in USA, Australia, Brazil, Russia, countries of Western and Southern Africa and others. Classes were conducted in Englishby highly experienced coaches, whohad individual approach to each student.
     Through learning English and English-speaking environment and television,in some three months, I didn’t even realize that the information in theinstitutewas taught in a foreign language. As of web design courses, they granted me additional knowledge, time and opportunity to complete my own project – creation of scientific journal website for the Research and Development Institute of Energy, Automation and Energy Saving. Thethesis in Aptech was the presentation of my country and sitedevelopment.


     Additionally, of great importance for me as a teacher wasexperiencein teaching in a foreign institute and India in particular. On my course, teachers from Chile, Kyrgyzstan, Bhutanwere also undergoing training.

     There were also trips around the country. The Institute has organized for us a three-day tour to the cities of Agra and Jaipur, and also local – in New Delhi.

Zhyltsov A.V.,
Head of the Chair of Electric Machinery
And Power Systems Operation

Assistant Havrylyuk V.V. 

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