Department of Humanities and Pedagogics presented educational programs in the United States of America

March 2, 2016

     On March 2, 2016, the Department of Humanities and Pedagogics held International Scientific-Practical workshop for students and postgraduates on topic “Different possibilities of sponsoring educational programs in the USA”, which was held by the initiative of the Dean of the Department of Humanities and Pedagogics and active support of the chair of Romano-Germanic languages and translation of NULES of Ukraine.

     The workshop was opened by Dean of the Department of Humanities and Pedagogics, Doctor of Philology, Professor Vasyl Shynkaruk, who in his report “The importance of learning English in NULES of Ukraine”, stressed the need to improve the quality of university studies, involving American Councils in Ukraine, Regional Office of Teaching English language of the US Embassy in Ukraine, Cambridge university Level Assessment Center of English language.

     The workshop was attended by invitee Natalia Etten, Director of Consulting Center “Education USA” in the American Councils for International Education. She introduced the attendees with the different opportunities of acquiring education at higher educational institutions of the USA.


     The workshop was conducted in English. The students showed a high level of practical knowledge of foreign language competence, which was proved by the detailed questions, lively debates and interesting dialogue in the classroom.

Natalia Aristova,
Assistant Professor
of the chair of Romano-Germanic languages and translation


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