Dialogue with Vietnam is going on. Ambassador, Mr. Nguyen Min Chi visited the University
On February 26, to continue the cooperation initiated with the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the University hosted the Ambassador to Ukraine – Mr. Nguyen Minh Chi and First Secretary of the Embassy – Nguyen Quang Lam. Rector Stanislav Nikolaenko presented the infrastructure of the University to the guests and educational and scientific basis, paying attention to the opportunities, that encourage foreign students and teachers to study and complete internships here.
The dialogue at the round table was attended by Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical work, International Activities and Development – Vadym Tkachuk, Dean of the Department of Livestock and Aquatic Biological Resources Vadym Kondratiuk and Assistant Professor of the Chair of Technology in Poultry, Pig and Sheep Breeding Yevhen Tomin, researcher of the Kravchenko M.A. Chair of Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction Biotechnology Myhailo Zhuravel.

The delegation visited the Ukrainian Laboratory of Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products, the Chair of Horse Breeding and Beekeeping, and the Hall of Academic Council in the educational building No1.

The sides agreed on further cooperation, in particular the search for opportunities of students from Vietnam to train in the University.

Valentyn Obrambalskyi