Department of Humanities and Pedagogics signed an agreement with the Examination Department of Cambridge University (Cambridge English Language Assessment)

March 1, 2016

     Recently, the Department of Humanities and Pedagogics, on the initiative of the Dean Vasyl Shynkaruk signed a deal with the Examination Department of Cambridge University (Cambridge English Language Assessment, United Kingdom), which is recognized as a world center of learning and English level assessment.
    Witnesses of such significant event in the development of our university were Daryna Sizhuk, consultant of the Department of Examination of Cambridge University in Ukraine, Cambridge English Language Assessment, Natalia Aristova and Olena Soloviova, – instructors of the Chair of Romano-Germanic languages and translation, Lyudmyla Makodzey, – Deputy Dean.

     This cooperation provides the Department of Humanities and Pedagogics with the right to conduct language training according to the level of the Europe-wide recommendations of language education (A1-C2), and train students for international exams led by the most qualified linguists and take corresponding exams in the walls of our faculty.

     The need to know foreign language for academic staff is envisaged by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of August 19, 2015, No. 656 on “Order of decision approval on granting scientific degrees” (academic status of Professor and Assistant Professor is assigned to individuals who are certified according to the Europe-wide recommendations of language education (not lower than B2 level), by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated December 30, 2015, No. 1187 on “Licensing conditions for conducting educational activities of educational institutions” (academic staff that carry out educational activities on languages other than Ukrainian and Russian, must be certified according to the Europe-wide recommendations of language education (not lower than B2 level).

     The need to know foreign language for students is new opportunities in education and employment all over the world.
     Today, in this regard, the Department of Humanities and Pedagogics will be able to effectively and efficiently teach foreign language, and with the participation of Examination Department of Cambridge University (Cambridge English Language Assessment) to conduct trainings and workshops on improving pedagogical skills of the faculty of the Department and form foreign language competence of students, instructors, university employees and all those interested in the matter.

Vasyl Shynkaruk,
Dean of the Department of Humanities and Pedagogics,
Liudmyla Makodzey,
Deputy Dean of the Department of Humanities and Pedagogics


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