Epizootologist Volodymyr Polishchuk attended the FAO seminar, dedicated to advanced work experience of veterinary medicine services in the state of emergency

February 26, 2016

     Regional seminar was held under the auspices of the Food and Agriculture Organization UNO FAO In Istanbul (Turkey), dedicated to advanced work experience of veterinary medicine services in the state of emergency. Its participants were representatives of the veterinary medicine services of 11 countries – Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Tajikistan and Turkey.
     Ukraine was represented by a chief doctor-specialist of veterinary medicine of antiepizootic board of management on securing of antiepizootic work of the State Service for Food Safety and Consumer Protection Svitlana Trubka and Assistant Professor of the Chair of Epizootiology and Organization of Veterinary Medicine of our University, National Consultant of FAO, epizootologist Volodymyr Polishchuk.

     Three-day workshop investigated national experiences of rapid response to outbreaks of transboundary infections of animals, aspects of GEMP implementation, principles of emergency measures control, elements of planning, functions and responsibilities at each level of management, stages of hierarchy in providing veterinary services, the plan of actions in the state of emergency and its components.

     Participants rated the plans of preparedness of countries using the GEMP principles in the local context, and also identified the key elements that need improvement. Under analysis were the principles of control of infectious diseases of animals, systems of monitoring and response to the outbreak, understanding the role of veterinary services and services in the restoration (rehabilitation) of farms after the outbreak of infectious disease. The features worked off were the response in the countries under analysis in case of emergency associated with the occurrence of infectious diseases of animals and the principles of conducting antiepizootic measures, the role of veterinary services in the state of emergency and also a need in developing a “road map” to broaden response capabilities.

Volodymyr Melnyk,
Assistant Professor of the Chair of Epizootology
and Organization of Veterinary Medicine


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