Delegation of the Department of Economics took part in the General Meeting of the Visegrad Association of Universities

October 5, 2015

     On September 28-30, 2015, in response to the invitation of the President of the Visegrad University Association, prof. P. Bielik (rector of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra), a Dean of the Department of Economics A. Dibrova and Deputy Dean for International Affairs - M. Vashchyk took part in the General Meeting of Association.
     Reference: Visegrad University Association (VUA) was established in November 2011 as part of the strategic project “Sustainability in the agricultural sector of Visegrad Four and cooperating regions” and supported by the International Visegrad Group Fund. Permanent Headquarters are located in Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra and NULES of Ukraine was its member since foundation. Today, the association includes 41 universities from around the world on the full rights and 11 - honorary membership rights, and its main goal is establishing cooperation among partner universities to provide quality education and scientific environment which will promote development of closer cooperation between the countries of Visegrad Group and other regions in the context of sustainable development.
     The VUA fifth anniversary meeting was held at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW, Poland) and gathered representatives from 10 countries and more than 30 universities from Europe and USA.

     During the meeting, the members heard and accepted the VUA annual activity and financial reports for 2014, at the same time the plan of activities for the period of 2015-2016 were examined and approved, in particular - holding the next meeting, student scientific conference and summer school. In addition, new members were presented for approval by the regular members of the association: Uman National University of Horticulture (Ukraine), University of Agribusiness and Rural Development (Bulgaria) and the University of Zilina (Slovakia). In addition, Agricultural College and Agricultural Center of Louisiana State University (USA) were elected as honorary members.

     On the photo: prof. Dibrova A.D., assistant prof. Vashchyk M.S., prof. P.Bielik and prof. Slavkova O.P.    

      In addition to approval and solution of current issues of activity, a newly designed VUA Award was given during the session for significant achievements in education, science and research, active international cooperation inside and outside VUA, the promotion of Visegrad University Association and other measures in support of common goals of Visegrad University Association. It was the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) that took the award.

     NULES of Ukraine delegation also held talks with Dean of the Department of Economics - prof. Y. Holembievskyi and Deputy Dean - N. Dreerska on signing the contract between the Departments on double diplomas on master programs. Work in this area on the coordination of working plans and programs are close to their completion.

     NULES delegation was invited to a solemn inauguration of the new academic year at Warsaw University of Life Sciences, which took place on September 30. This event takes place at the university every year and marks the beginning of a new academic year, in Polish universities it is October 1.
We also met with students and instructors, who, under various programs, go through the training and internships in NULES and SGGW in the framework of fruitful and long-term cooperation of their Departments of Economics.

     Students of the NULES of Ukraine Department of Economics Mykhailo Bilanyuk, Valeriia Selivestr and Dmytro Kravets, who have entered the magistracy of Warsaw University of Life Sciences this year, are at the opening of the new academic year in SGGW, 30.09.2015.

     Assistant Professor of Department of Statistics and Economic Analysis Makarchuk O.H., and Assistant Professor of Department of Tax and Insurance Labenko O.M., currently are going through the training at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences.

Dibrova A.D.,
Dean of the Department of Economics
Vashchyk M.S.,
Deputy Dean of the Department of Economics on International Issues

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