Strategic Visegrad project "Sustainability in Agrisector of V4 Countries and CoStrategic Visegrad project"
Strategic Visegrad project "Sustainability in Agrisector of V4 Countries and Cooperating regions"
The main aim of the project is to establish the join research and education platform to enable the investigation and implementation of the issues of sustainable development in the agrisector of Visegrad countries and cooperating regions.
Project puts together main agricultural universities in Visegrad countries and the South-East Partnership countries in the medium of establishing the Visegrad University Association and the Visegrad Journal on Bioeconomics and Sustainable development. As a part of the newly established the Visegrad University Association several join activities will be introducted, including join research and teaching interests and approach to the new projects, international conferences, doctoral workshop and doctoral prize for the best research paper, as well as new, jointly published international books for international Visegrad summer school.
Project coordinator - Peter Bielik, Phd., rector of Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra.
Project duration: 15.08.2011 - 31.07.2014
Project website is available on
Constituent meeting of the Visegrad University Association, November 10-11, 2011 in Nitra
Constituent meeting of the Visegrad University Association, November 10-11, 2011 in Nitra