Lessons of diplomacy from Borys Humeniuk

December 11, 2024

Meeting outstanding diplomats is always a great opportunity to broaden your worldview and learn more about the inner "diplomatic kitchen". NUBiP students majoring in International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies had a great opportunity to communicate with the Ukrainian diplomat and scientist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Borys Humeniuk - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the Republic of Cyprus (2003–2007, 2012–2019).

The meeting took place within the walls of the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine named after Gennadiy Udovenko at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, of which Borys Humeniuk was the rector during 1996-2003 and 2007-2012. It is noteworthy that the Diplomatic Academy is a long-standing partner of NUBiP, an important base of practice for students.
A graduate of NUBiP, the current head of the Diplomatic Academy Gennadiy Nadolenko, addressed the audience with a welcoming speech. He told important details from the biography of Borys Humeniuk, in particular regarding his contribution to both the formation of the Diplomatic Academy and the development of Ukrainian-Cypriot relations.

Then Borys Humeniuk took the floor, who presented his books - "From the Diaries of the Ambassador of Ukraine" and "The Word is a Diplomat's Weapon". He shared his impressions of Cyprus, its people and nature, warmly remembered his Cypriot colleagues and partners, including for their support in important issues for Ukraine – whether during the ratification of the Association Agreement in 2014 or in the first days of the Russian full-scale invasion in 2022. As Boris Ivanovich joked, it is interesting to work as a Ukrainian diplomat - not as calmly as as a representative of great powers.
When asked what inspires the diplomat to continue his work despite possible problems and obstacles, Borys Humeniuk emphasized three things – a team, big and small successes, and helping people. And in some cases, it was really about saving people – citizens of Ukraine.

The event was attended by first- and second-year bachelor's students, as well as teachers of the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy: Professor of the Department of International Relations and Social Sciences Oksana Silka, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and International Communication Tetiana Kychkiruk and Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations and Social Sciences Bohdan Hrushetskyi. The participants express their gratitude to the Rector of the Diplomatic Academy Gennadiy Nadolenko for the invitation to take part in the event and look forward to new fruitful meetings.


You can get acquainted with the books of Borys Humeniuk at the link:

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