The participants of the laboratory of economic theory and bioeconomy participated in the roundtable of the USAID AGRO Program

December 11, 2024

   On December 11, the USAID AGRO Program held a roundtable dedicated to the implementation of innovative carbon practices in the agriculture of Ukraine, which was attended by participants from the Laboratory of Economic Theory and Bioeconomy. All those present were able to gain practical knowledge about carbon farming, its prospects and ways of implementation, in particular:

  • International experience and modern practices - analysis of technologies, such as minimum tillage and cover crops, that contribute to reducing carbon emissions;

  • Economic efficiency - modeling of financial results of implementing carbon technologies with calculations of cost and profitability;

  • Farmers' concerns - main challenges regarding new approaches and recommendations for overcoming them;

  • Practical steps for MSMEs - detailed methodological recommendations for obtaining carbon credits.

   The head of the Department of Economic Theory made a report on the World Forum on Bioeconomy, which was held in Nairobi, Kenya, and the international scientific and practical conference, which was held at the Laboratory of Economic Theory and Bioeconomy on October 25-26, 2024. They discussed the issue of preparing for the 10th anniversary conference Development of Bioenergy Potential in Agriculture, which will be held on March 7-8, 2025. An interesting discussion took place in the discussion of the Strategy for the Development of Bioeconomy in Ukraine until 2050.
   Thank you for the support of USAID AGRO of our Laboratory of Economic Theory and Bioeconomy!

Mykola Talavyria,
D.Sc. (Economics), Professor


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