Punctuality in fulfilling the planned, ambitiousness in planning new things: certification of humanities graduate students took place

September 5, 2024


In accordance with the order of the rector of NULES of Ukraine dated 15.07.2024 No. 825, on August 29, at the meeting of the Academic council of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy, the certification of postgraduate students and applicants for the degree of doctor of philosophy studying in the fields of educational, pedagogical sciences, professional education, history of Ukraine, philosophy and psychology took place.

   Today, nearly 80 graduate students are enrolled in the humanitarian programs, 31 of whom are from the People's Republic of China. Therefore, the certification was held in a mixed format: foreign applicants reported on-line the day before, and compatriots reported at the meeting of the Academic council.
   The members of the attestation committee, headed by the dean of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy Inna Savytska, heard from the PhD students who reported on the implementation of the individual plan, the scientific and educational components of the PhD training: in particular, on scientific papers published on the topic of the dissertation during the reporting period, articles in scientific professional publications of Ukraine and publications indexed in international scientometric databases, and participation in scientific and practical conferences. The supervisors gave a brief description of the graduate students and applicants.



   This year, 12 PhD students in the humanities are completing their postgraduate studies, so the certification committee paid special attention to the actual state of their dissertations, testing of research results, and publication activity. The detailed report was presented by graduate students Natalia Ovdiy, Natalia Nedvetska, Olena Turitsyna, Kateryna Nagorna, Alain Zinoruk, Yanina Aleeva, Inna Ivanova, and others.



  Inna Savytska, chairman of the Attestation commission and dean of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy, noted the responsible and systematic work of most graduate students and their supervisors, and wished them to continue their scientific growth. Svitlana Kharchenko, deputy dean of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy for research, also emphasized the need for clear planning of activities, familiarized the participants with the main stages and terms of the procedure for certification of a doctoral student.

   Following the discussion of the reports, the members of the certification committee approved the decision to certify 72 postgraduate students and applicants. It is noted that graduate students in the humanities generally adhere to individual plans for the implementation of the ESP, consistently implementing certain tasks in their studies and research to achieve the ambitious goal of obtaining a doctorate.


Olena Balalaeva,
secretary of the Scientific council of the FHP

Regional Educational Institutions (синій)To Applicants (синій)Press-centre

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