A series of guest lectures for future educational managers continues!

April 30, 2024


April 26, 2024 the department of management and educational technologies of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy held another event – a guest lecture by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the department of education management and lawZoya Ryabova on the topic "Quality management of educational activities of educational institutions".

The target audience of the lesson was future managers, full-time and part-time undergraduates in the specialty 073 "Management" of EPP "Managing educational institutions."


Initiated by the Distinguished Professor, the topic of the lecture is fully cross-cutting and unifying for a whole range of normative educational components of educational-professional and educational-scientific programs "Managing educational institutions""Management of educational activities", "Educational management", "Head of an educational institution", "Strategic management"


The content accents of the lecture determined by the respected lecturer (challenges and conditions of uncertainty, management of the educational institution, quality management of education, knowledge management, successful practices) allowed us to deeply reveal the stated topic using various tools and techniques that Zoya Viktorivna masterfully used to create a comfortable atmosphere for productive interaction in the audience. It is obvious that this approach significantly activated the cognitive activity of those present.


During the lecture, a number of topical issues were raised that occupy a prominent place in the system and process of ensuring the quality of education, in particular: implementation of priority principles of quality management (order orientation, leadership, personnel involvement, process approach, decision-making based on actual changes, communication management, etc.), factor-criterion modeling and evaluation based on a qualimetric model, quality monitoring based on key indicators of risk and uncertainty, self-assessment of the quality of educational activities (educational environment, assessment system for applicants' learning outcomes, teaching activities, management processes), etc.


In the practical part of the lesson, the participants were included in the implementation of a qualimetric approach to assessing the quality of educational services, in particular, as for the signs of professional competence of teachers, the head of an educational institution.


The role and place of educational (pedagogical) consulting in educational institutions was also noted, especially in conditions of uncertainty, which are interpreted by a respected lecturer as "a certain period of time during which there is uncertainty about the future, or what will be the result of the activities of the educational institution as a whole and each teacher in particular."


At the end of the guest lecture lecturer Zoya Ryabova when generalizing stressed that the quality of educational activities of an educational institution directly depends on the quality of management processes in the institution, in particular on the managerial skills of the head of the educational institution. Everyone present agreed with this statement.



We express our sincere gratitude to the distinguished Zoya Viktorivna for the time allotted, for the interesting and ultra-relevant content of the lecture, and we are already planning our meetings in the future.

We are thankful to the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the opportunity to learn, develop, work and plan for the future!

Everything will be Ukraine! To be continued!


Mykola Hryshkov,
Dmytro Lobachevsky
Olexandr Demchenko,
masters of specialty 073 "Management"
first year of study


To Applicants (синій)Press-centreRegional Educational Institutions (синій)

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