Choosing a future profession is a choice of life path

June 20, 2024


Choosing a future profession for an applicant is extremely important for several reasons. First, the future profession determines the level of income, social status and overall standard of living. A successful choice of profession can ensure stability, material well-being and job satisfaction. Secondly, work takes up a significant part of life, so it is important that it brings pleasure and corresponds to personal interests and abilities. It promotes personal development and self-realization. Third, work that doesn't suit a person's interests or abilities can cause stress, depression, and dissatisfaction. On the contrary, work that brings pleasure contributes to psychological well-being. Fourth, the choice of profession affects social connections, because a person forms professional contacts, acquaintances and connections in the team. In addition, each profession plays a role in the development of society and the country's economy. Fifth, a well-chosen profession opens up opportunities for career growth, professional development, and new opportunities. This allows you to constantly develop and reach new heights in your professional activities. Sixth, professional activity affects the schedule of the day, the availability of free time, the ability to provide for the family, and many other aspects of personal life.

Thus, choosing a profession is not an easy task, it is a choice of life path that determines the future, well – being and harmony in life. That is why it is so important to approach this issue with all seriousness, taking into account all aspects and opportunities.

Today we asked a few questions to the applicant of the department of management and educational technologies, Vladyslav Kononyako to which he kindly agreed to answer. And the first of them: please tell us where you were born and studied before you decided to choose an educational program "Personnel management" at our university? 

Vlad answered: I was born in the city of Nizhyn, Chernihiv region, and studied at Nizhynsky secondary school l-lll gr. No. 2, and then in Nizhynsky professional college in specialty "Automation and computer-integrated technologies".

Next question: Why did you choose your specialty "Personnel management"?  What's so special about it?

Vladyslav: After several years of training in automation, I realized that I was more attracted to working with people and their professional development. HR management allows me to realize my potential in organizing and developing teams, which is important for running a successful business.

Our next question was about hobbies of Vladyslav, his inner world. So, please tell us about your hobbies?

Vladyslav: I am fond of music and other forms of art. It allows me to express my feelings and find inner harmony.

And our last question to Vladyslav concerns his interests and hobbies: what do you like to do in your free time? What are your interests and hobbies?

Vladyslav: I especially enjoy travelling, meditation, and nature. They help me relax, find inner peace and enjoy the beauty of the world around me.

Well, then? Our interview with Vladyslav is coming to an end. We wish him success and successful passing of exams! As well as victory and peace to our wonderful country, where such outstanding personalities as Vladyslav will study! Let everyone's life be happy!   


Vasyl Bazelyuk,
associate professor of the department of management and educational technologies

To Applicants (синій)Regional Educational Institutions (синій)Press-centre

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