Academic Council of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy: the beginning of the 2024/2025 academic year, peculiarities of the organization of the educational process, scientific, innovative, international activities and educational work under martial law

August 18, 2024

  On August 16, 2024, an expanded meeting of the Academic council of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy was held with the participation of representatives of the staff, the chairman of the FHP Employers' council, Vitalia Polyakova, and the vice-rector for research and international activities, Oleksandr Labenko, dedicated to topical issues of the faculty's life under the special conditions of martial law.

   The expanded meeting was opened by Inna Savytska, chairman of the Academic council. In her opening remarks, the dean of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy noted that for the third year in a row, we are starting the academic year at the university under martial law. But we are working! We are developing! Thanks to the courage of the Ukrainian people, the strength and motivation of the Armed Forces. Therefore, the task of the staff of our faculty is not to stop the educational process and training of highly qualified personnel, to focus on providing quality educational services and growing the image of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy and the University.

   In her report, Inna Mykolayivna noted that the staff of the university and our faculty constantly cares about improving the quality of educational services, as evidenced by the top places in national and international rankings. The entire university staff deserves a lot of credit for this achievement.
   Emphasizing the tasks of the FHP for the academic year 2024/2025, she focused on the main issues, among which an important place was given to this year's admission campaign and the effectiveness of career guidance work of the faculty departments. Undoubtedly, the quality of the educational process is an important issue and should be a priority. The use of the existing laboratory facilities and their constant updating helps to improve the quality of the educational process.
   Concluding her report, Inna Mykolayivna thanked all the members of the Academic council and the staff for their activity, advice and recommendations during the meeting. She drew the attention of all those present to the general tasks of organizing the educational process under martial law in the academic year 2024-2025, namely: to ensure the educational and scientific process in accordance with the requirements of martial law, to preserve and develop the faculty, to strengthen ties with business and the executive branch; to provide constant support and strengthen cooperation with the Armed Forces of Ukraine; to take comprehensive measures to ensure the safety and preservation of the life and health of participants in the educational process. In educational activities, the safety of participants; improving the quality of educational services; improving the level of teaching foreign languages and preparing graduates for the EIE; expanding the bases of industrial practices; creating e-learning courses in English, etc. In scientific activities - increasing publications in Scopus, Web of Science and citation of publications; ensuring active participation in academic mobility projects; participation in scientific competitions and grants; increasing citation, expanding cooperation with employers and businesses; providing scientific services. International activities include career guidance to attract foreign students to study; deepening and expanding existing contacts with foreign partners in Europe; organizing internships for teachers and students at foreign partner universities, etc.

   The discussion was attended by: Ruslan Sopivnyk, head of the department of pedagogy, who emphasized the digitalization and informatization of the educational process; Svitlana Amelina, Head of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation, focused on expanding the horizons in international internship programs for students and teachers; Iryna Sopivnyk, head of the department of social work and rehabilitation, noted that our faculty is very dynamic and is in constant development and movement, but we must not forget that students are a powerful source of change, so we as teachers should pay special attention to educational work; Vira Dodonova, professor of the department of philosophy and international communication, emphasized the problematic issues that concern a person, a teacher and a scientist; professor Vitalii Shmarhun and head of the department of psychology Iryna Martyniuk spoke about the need to introduce seminars for testing psychology programs, as well as the importance of practical training for all specialties of the faculty, and psychologists in particular; head of the department of international relations and social sciences Victoria Khvist focused on the problematic issues of this year's enrollment and the strengthening and modernization of career guidance; associate professor of the department of journalism and language communication Natalia Adamchuk noted the possibilities of the journalistic component in career guidance activities and popularization of the faculty and university among young people; head of the department of physical education and sports Mykola Kostenko emphasized the importance of sports training; head of the department of cultural studies Iryna Maidaniuk focused on the importance of cultural and patriotic education of students.

   Student activists also joined the discussion. Veronika Shatunova, secretary of the Senate of the FHP student organization, spoke on behalf of the students and expressed her gratitude to the faculty administration and the administration for their constant support and assistance in resolving all issues of concern to the students.

   Vitalia Polyakova, chairman of the FHP Employers' council, noted that today's youth faces a difficult task - to study in extremely difficult conditions, but we must not forget that life is one and we must learn to harmoniously combine resilience, professionalism and not forget that along with this, each of us has our own family. She also congratulated the staff on the start of the new academic year.

Vice-Rector for scientific and pedagogical work and international activities Oleksandr Labenko, as a representative of the University administration, focused on the promotion of international internship opportunities, the participation of the faculty's research staff in international projects, and other issues relevant to the team.

   The members of the Academic council also considered other important issues of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy, in particular, the Work Plan of the Academic council of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy for the academic year 2024-2025, which is posted on the faculty's website, was approved.

   At the meeting of the Academic Council, awards were also presented to the academic staff of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy.
   In conclusion, Inna Savytska congratulated everyone on the start of the new academic year and wished them health, fruitful work, Victory and peaceful skies!

Svitlana Heiko,
secretary of the Academic council of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy;
Iryna Matvienko,
head of the Trade Union of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy

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