Open door day at the faculty of humanities and pedagogy: an atmosphere of openness, professionalism and sincere communication

November 9, 2023

  Do not believe those who claim that education is the privilege of free people. Only educated people are free.


   Choosing a profession and a suitable educational institution is an important and at the same time difficult stage in the life of every applicant. Its successful overcoming is facilitated by a system of career guidance measures, in particular the Open door day.
   Every year, our university sincerely opens its doors to future students in order to get to know those who chose our educational institution at the call of their hearts. And graduates of schools, lyceums and gymnasiums have a unique opportunity to feel the atmosphere of the best educational institution for at least a few hours, visit spacious and cozy classrooms, and see how learning takes place "from the inside".



  On November 9, 2023 the University and the faculty of humanities and pedagogy welcomed their applicants hospitably. There were so many people who wanted to learn about the university that the guests even sat on the stairs. The blue hall of the 3rd building barely accommodated three hundred guests of the faculty.


   The rector of NULES of Ukraine  Stanislav Nikolaenko congratulated the future students with a warm word, presenting the history, general achievements of the University, focusing on the numerous advantages of studying in NULES of Ukraine.
   Vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work and development Serhiy Kvasha focused the attention of those present on the problems of modern education and the challenges that the present poses to young people.



   Deputy executive secretary of the admissions committee Olexiy Solomka told the audience about the features of this year's admission, how to become a successful applicant in 2023, and drew the attention of applicants to new products and important points of the entrance campaign. 




    Applicants were provided with comprehensive information on studying at preparatory courses and participating in the Olympiad in NULES. It was noted that the participants of the Olympiad would receive a personal Certificate of participation in the NULES Olympiad of Ukraine based on the results of testing. Participation in the Olympiad will also be taken into account when considering the motivation letter for admission.
   The university has created all conditions for creative activities and sports.


   The deputy head of the department Olena Otroshko told about the possibilities of sports education of students and active sports life at the department of physical education. She noted that the university has more than 20 sports sections in 16 sports, and students have the opportunity to work with professional coaches.
   The student senate as a student self-government body was presented by Olexandra Kalinichenko, who spoke about the opportunities of students and introduced them to the highlights of active student life and leisure. 
 Professor of the department of cultural studies, people's artist of Ukraine, Roman Rudyshared information about the work of student creative studios and clubs, the selection of students for amateur art groups  and called his department "the center of spirituality" and "the temple of arts" of NULES of Ukraine. He also spoke about the active work on attracting various art studios and creative groups, circles, and various cultural events.
The university has a military department, where both boys and girls have the opportunity to get the military rank of junior lieutenant and the skills necessary to defend the Motherland, which is extremely important in war conditions.
   After the university-wide information block, acquaintance with the faculty began. Dean the faculty of humanities and pedagogy Inna Savytska in her speech informed the guests about the opportunities and prospects of studying at her native faculty. Each specialty was vividly presented, the advantages and features were revealed in detail and demonstrated in the presentation. Inna Mykolaivna noted that the faculty is the largest in the University. Today, more than two and a half thousand students study in 18 specialties. The faculty has a strong human resources potential, modern equipment and an excellent material and technical base.
   And in order to get acquainted with the future specialty in more detail, the students, accompanied by the heads, went to the graduate departments.
Getting to know specialty "International relations, public communications and regional studios” took place in the training auditorium of the department of philosophy and international communication. High school students of specialized school No. 246, Lyceum No. 28, specialized school No. 252, secondary school No. 288, specialized school No. 131, School No. 246, Obolon School No. 170 and 231, ecological and natural Lyceum No. 116, Uzynsky secondary school of I-III stages No. 1, Novosilky lyceum "Erudite" and Mironivsky academic lyceum No. 3 came here.




Heads of two graduate departments – Valentyna Kultenko and Viktoria Khvist introduced the pupils to the peculiarities of obtaining higher education in the specialty "International relations, public communications and regional studios", the opportunity to complete training and internships abroad.




To make the acquaintance more relaxed and interesting, guests were offered interactive blitz classes in Latin (Olena Balalaeva), history of the state and law of Ukraine and foreign countries (Svitlana Heiko). Poems by Spanish, English and German poets were performed at the meeting by Dmytro Samardak. After all, knowledge of languages expands cross-cultural communication and promotes mutual understanding at the international level. Pupils were happy to participate in quests, quizzes, and intellectual games conducted by Olena LautaAlina SuprunIryna MatvienkoOksana Prytyka. Communication took place in a sincere and relaxed atmosphere, the guests were treated to goodies.




The media lab of the department of journalism and language communication gathered future applicants inspecialty "Journalism".
Acting head of the department Maryna Navalna spoke about the activities of medialab and joint work with student journalists, in particular about NULES News, Saturday master classes for everyone who wants to master the basics of journalism. Head of the media lab – Kateryna Shevtsova noted that not every university has such a powerful material base and such training opportunities as in NULES.



   Potential applicants tried to sign up in the studio, watched how the recording is edited, and claimed that NULES News would be reviewed without fail.
   Several pupils left their comments about the laboratory.
   Andriy Hyrych said, "Being in the media lab, I was struck by the atmosphere, the openness of the teachers, as well as the amount of equipment for filming and training."
   Shvets Daria said, "I think that after finishing the 11th grade, I will definitely enter NULESe in order to get an education as a journalist, because I am interested in this activity. I was impressed by medialab, it is very comfortable here, I liked the equipment, I am sure that there is enough for training here."
   The department of pedagogy opened its doors to future professional educators. The head of the department Ruslan Sopivnyk addressed the guests with a welcoming speech. He described the advantages of studying at NULES, which is a powerful educational and scientific center in our country, and also focused special attention on the importance of obtaining an eternal profession – the profession of a teacher.



    The applicants enthusiastically visited the virtual and augmented reality Office of the laboratory of information and communication technologies in education. None of those present were left indifferent by the master class held, which allowed young people to be included in various types of activities. Applicants were also able to admire the picturesque corners of the University's territory, because it is located in the green oasis of  Kyiv – Holosiivsky park.




   At different locations, applicants had the opportunity to ask questions and get comprehensive answers. The meeting was held in a friendly, warm atmosphere.
   The department of social work and rehabilitation worked with their applicants in several locations. Students of  specialty "Social work"greeted their guests cordially (Rudenko ValentynaTarasenko ValeriaOlexandr Alekseyev) headed by the head of the department Iryna Sopivnyk and associate professor of the department Olexandr Prokhorchuk who conducted a tour round the 3rd building and territory of the University, demonstrating a strong material and technical base for training specialists in social work. First year student Andriy Ivanov tested the 11th graders of the Irpen lyceum for cohesion and leadership qualities by conducting the training exercise "33".



   One of the attractions of the open day was a relaxation room on the basis of the educational and scientific laboratory "Center for social and psychological rehabilitation", where an assistant of the department of social work and rehabilitation Ruslana Bilyk together with 3rd year students Evstratenko LesyaKyryk ValeriaKydyuk Anastasia and Kateryna Kuzmenko conducted mini-lectures with training elements for school applicants from Kyiv and the region. The training included exercises for acquaintance, interaction and self-presentation.


    Guests of the Open door day had the opportunity to visualize personal problems under the guidance of a professor Inna Osadchenko with the help of "Chocolate therapy", using elements of various therapies: manual; artistic; color, smell, sound, taste therapy, etc.with the current analysis of the meaning of arbitrary chocolate images. In order to make life "sweeter" Inna Ivanivna offered everyone an individual, paired, group production of sweets "desire", with a grain of kindness, love and self-confidence. These are exactly the professional qualities that social work specialists primarily need. Therefore, we are already developing them as applicants!


   The department of psychology had its own highlights to interest applicants. Even before the start of the solemn meeting, associate professor Lyudmyla Omelchenko conducted an express training on self-knowledge for everyone. High school pupils who are interested in specialty"Psychology", gathered in the 309th auditorium of building 3 for the interactive game "Entertaining psychology". Acting head of the department of psychology Iryna Martyniuk with the help of the online platform Kahoot, during the game, updated students' knowledge about psychology, supplemented their understanding of various branches of this science, its opportunities, as well as the features of psychology as a practice and profession.


   The department of foreign philology and translation for a long time, has been in contact with the main educational institution "Bilohorodsky lyceum No. 1" of the Buchansky district of the Kyiv region. This time, teachers and students of the department were waiting for guests from the school, having prepared an interesting program. First of all, pupils of the final grade accompanied by Khamets Lyudmyla Mykhailivna and Slobodyanyk Inna Stanislavivna visited the "Simultaneous translation Center "and talked about the specifics of studying in the educational programs "English and second foreign language" and "German and second foreign language", internship opportunities abroad. Some of the students were already aware of the information about students' participation in the Erasmus+ academic mobility program and asked them to tell us more about it.



   Then there was a walk through the picturesque autumn botanical garden, a meeting with teachers at the department, tea with pies and contests with prizes. Full of new impressions, pupils of Bilohorodsky lyceum No. 1 thanked for hospitality, and teachers and students of the department of foreign philology and translation expressed hope to see many of them in their classrooms.
   Team of the department of management and educational technologiestook this event responsibly. The day before everything was planned and prepared for the meeting of guests!
   Every such meeting with our future students and their mentors is exciting, interesting, and informative. Therefore, we have started a professionally oriented dialogue with teachers, deputy principals of schools, lyceums, social educators, teacher assistants and even nurses!
   In the elegant auditorium there was a professional representation of educational institutions in  Kyiv, Kyiv region, namely: Sofiyivsko-Borshchahivsky lyceum; academic lyceum No. 5 in Obukhiv; Petrivsky lyceum named after Nina Sosnina; Muzychansky lyceum of the Bilohorodsky village council; lyceum No. 109 named after  T. H. Shevchenko; Dudarkivsky lyceum of the Prystolychny village council; Khotivsky academic lyceum named after Levko Lukyanenko; institutions of general secondary education No. 9, No. 131, No. 278 of the Desnyansky district of  Kyiv. And this is not a complete list of educational institutions.




   A respected teaching audience was offered as part of advanced training the topic "Competence approach in a modern lesson" by Vasyl Bazelyuk which is a problem-based approach with a deep analysis of the state of implementation of the competence paradigm and its derivative – the competence approach – in the educational environment. The focus of the discussion was a modern lesson. Its center, according to the general vision of the participants of the event, is the individual and his key ability to learn throughout life!


   Representatives of thedepartment of physical education told the guests about the large number of national teams and sports sections, the success of our athletes at the national and international levels, introduced them to the material base and scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department.




   Future applicants visited the sports building of NULES of Ukraine where the training process was taking place and they had the opportunity to watch the match of the Kyiv football Championship among students between the teams of our university and the university named after Taras Shevchenko.
   Students who are engaged in various sports and plan to enter our university on the specialty "Physical culture and sports" received recommendations for preparing and drawing up standards for the creative competition and joining sports activities.
   Open door day in NULES of Ukraine ended with a confident victory of our players, sunny weather and a positive mood of future applicants.
   The holiday has happened: new acquaintances, expected and unexpected communications, smiles and good mood!
   We look forward to new meetings already in the status of students of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy of NULES of Ukraine.


Valentyna Kultenko, Olena Lauta,
associate professors of the department of philosophy and international communication


To Applicants (синій)Press-centreRegional Educational Institutions (синій)

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