24 February 2023, 19:12
«Ukrainian education is wounded, but alive and fighting»
Since February 24, 2022, Ukrainian science, as well as our country as a whole, has faced extremely difficult tasks: how to maintain calm and motivation to work and study? How to acquire new knowledge, skills, and abilities? Despite all the complexity of the events, scientists of different levels continue their work.
Throughout the entire period of postgraduate study, a PhD student is obliged to fulfill all the requirements of the educational and scientific program, in particular, to acquire theoretical knowledge, skills, abilities and other competencies sufficient to generate new ideas, solve complex problems in the field of professional and research and innovation activities, master the methodology of scientific and pedagogical activities, and conduct independent research, the results of which have scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance, and to However, even in these difficult times, students of higher education for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy during their studies and the scientific component must find opportunities for comprehensive personal development, form their own name as a representative of a powerful research university, inform international scientific circles about their activities, and participate actively enough in various practical and theoretical events.
Thus, Nataliia Bevz, a first-year PhD student at the renowned National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Aquatic Bioresources, has shown great interest in scientific research and practical implementation of her experimental research since the first weeks of studying in the specialty 204 - Technology of Production and Processing of Livestock Products. Having a personal relationship to cooperation with livestock enterprises of Ukraine within the framework of projects on the introduction and implementation of safe, natural growth stimulants of foreign production, in particular the origin of the country - India, encourages the young researcher to actively study world experience and implement her scientific hypotheses.
Taking into account these aspects, the applicant for a doctorate degree of the powerful Department of Technologies in Poultry, Pig and Sheep Breeding Natalia Bevz (scientific adviser - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Vadym Lykhach) took part in the world-class IPPE International Production and Processing Expo (IPPE Expo) on January 24-26, 2023 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, with the involvement of representatives of agricultural business, practitioners and scientists from more than 120 countries.
IPPE Expo is the world's largest event in the poultry, meat and animal feed industry. IPPE 2023 welcomed a global audience of professionals in the poultry,   livestock and poultry feeding industry, and presented the latest industry technologies, solutions, processes, research, services and new products. Most importantly, the fair included educational seminars on professional topics to keep industry representatives up to date with the latest innovations and updated rules and policies of the agro-industrial complex internationally, as an influence on future business. A positive step towards Ukraine-World cooperation was made, namely a positive, productive meeting with faculty members of the Georgia Agricultural University (College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences).
In the format of this event, the US-India-Ukraine roundtables on education, science and agricultural production were held in parallel with the mentorship of St. Xavier University (Mumbai, India), in which Ms. Natalia also took part. She made a presentation on the state of livestock production in Ukraine (according to statistics), taking into account the realities of today, informed colleagues about the flagship of agricultural education and science - NUBiP of Ukraine and the painful issue of the war in Ukraine regarding the barbaric invasion of the aggressor country in Ukraine, etc.
It should be noted that the beginning of the year is successful and productive for our scientists, which encourages further titanic work for the benefit of national education and science with its international recognition and support.
We keep the educational and scientific front, we believe in the Armed Forces of Ukraine!
There will be bacon, there will be bread - vivat glorious NUBiP!
Everything will be Ukraine!
Head of the Department of Technologies in Poultry Production,
Poultry, Pig and Sheep Breeding, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor

Vadym Lykhach 

Press-centreRegional Educational Institutions (синій)To Applicants (синій)

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