Practical classes of third-year students are filled with interesting experiences and new impressions

31 October 2023, 10:08

 Fruit growing science is relevant at all times, it is the branch of crop production that is engaged in the cultivation of fruit crops in order to produce fruits for direct consumption and for further processing.

Practical classes of third-year students are filled with interesting experiences and new impressions.
For instance, students had the opportunity to get acquainted with the technologies of forecasting and determining the shooting ripeness of fruits this week.


Some professional devices were presented to help determine certain criteria for assessing the shooting ripeness of fruits.
A penetrometer, showing the density of fruit pulp, and a refractometer, showing the content of dry soluble substances (90% of them are sugars), are evaluating the contents in fruit juice.

Students practically investigated these indicators and made certain conclusions.
An iodine-starch assay was experimentally performed using iodine solution in potassium iodide.
The degree of starch decomposition is assessed on a 10-point scale, according to which 1 point corresponds to the stage when starch hydrolysis has not yet begun (full color of the cut), 10 points - the complete absence of starch (the surface of the cut is not stained with iodine).

It is important to note that the training of future specialists of 201 specialty "Agronomy" aims to interest young people, so students were showed video materials of foreign experience from Washington State University .

The Washington State University apple breeding program began in 1994 to develop new varieties suited to the unique climate of central Washington and that are available to Washington growers.

Washington State University videos demonstrated the full process of diagnosing apples, equipment in laboratories and the principle of work of specialists.

We sincerely thank the teachers of the Department of Horticulture named after Prof. V.L. Symyrenko for rich practical and lecture classes.

As the most famous Ukrainian writer T.G.Shevchenko once said, "Learn, read, and learn someone else's, and do not shy away from what is your own ...".

It is necessary for our students to receive quality education internationally. Students of National University of Life and Environmental Scienсes of Ukraine have really qualified professors who are interested in further development of students and contribute to this.

Liubov Tkhoryk, 3rd year student 8th group.
Oleksandr Havryliuk, Assistant professor

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