1st year students of the specialty "Professional education" in cooperation with pedagogues
Historical progress, social changes, labor market requirements dictate the requirements for the figure of a modern specialist in various industries and change approaches to its characteristics: the list of responsibilities expands, accents shift, soft skills come out on top, which, in turn, dictates the emergence of new educational approaches to training, to the process of training a specialist. The pedagogues must always meet the requirements of the modern era, its challenges and trends, so that the growing generations receive appropriate skills, form appropriate competencies, and gain thorough knowledge.
That is why the main task of a modern educational institution is to train a successful specialist who can compete in the modern labor market. The NULES of Ukraine offers a large number of educational programs, curricula, disciplines of free choice of the student, which will contribute to his development and development as a specialist of a new generation.
The purpose of the educational component "History of Ukrainian statehood", which has now begun to be studied by first-year students of the specialty 015.37 "Professional education (agricultural production, processing of agricultural products and food technologies)" is the formation of historical and cultural, state consciousness of the individual, which combines knowledge, views, ideas about social and spiritual development, awareness of the indissoluble connection between the past and present, traditions and experience of different generations of Ukrainians, education of civil patriotism, responsibility for the fate of their homeland, encouraging active hard work in the development and strengthening of the state of Ukraine. Lectures and seminars on the discipline where the lecturer is a doctor of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Ruslan Sopivnyk, applicants for education master the basics of the methodology of historical research, in particular, retrospective, comparative, dialectical method, historical chronology; develop skills of scientific work with historical and cultural primary sources, a variety of educational literature; acquire skills and abilities, social and humanitarian competencies necessary for the practical activity of a specialist in the agronomic industry.
The issues of formation, development and improvement of the necessary professional and superprofessional skills are the focus of the course "Introduction to the specialty", which is taught to first-year students of the specialty professional education (agricultural production, processing of agricultural products and food technologies) by candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Oleh Yeresko. With each lesson in the course of emotional reasoned discussions, students are convinced of the correct choice of specialty, because the vast majority of super-professional skills of other specialties (for example, effective interaction with other people, flexibility, work ethic, the ability to find an approach to people, convince, maintain a positive attitude, solve problems, establish relationships, work in a team, listen and understand the interlocutor, conduct negotiations, presentations, conduct discussions, etc.) are nothing more than professional skills of a teacher. And it is these skills, according to labor market researchers, that give the greatest advantages to its participants.
Social networks have confidently entered our lives and have become an indispensable component of the business strategy for many companies. It's hard to imagine a brand that doesn't have an Instagram profile, and most people are mastering TikTok at an extremely fast pace. In order to confidently compete in the labor market, students of the specialty "Professional education" began to actively master the new discipline "SMM management in education", as a successful SMM- strategy has become an integral key to the success of many agricultural enterprises and a successful platform for building a personal brand of teachers.
In the classroom on this new discipline, which is creatively and creatively taught by the doctor of philosophy, senior lecturer of the department of pedagogy Nadiia Dira, students study the issues of individual approach to each social network in professional promotion; the algorithm for creating short videos and viral content; the basics of accumulating a loyal audience around the brand and the rules of regular posting; features of working with social platform tools: AR filters, chatbots, etc.
First-year Bachelors of the specialty "Professional education" have started studying the discipline "General and professional pedagogy", because fundamental training significantly expands the professional horizons of the future teacher, allows you to see any educational problem holistically, find ways to solve it optimally. Lecturer – candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Svitlana Vyhovska.

A modern pedagogue, like a specialist in any other field, should be flexible, demonstrate a willingness to constantly learn, learn new things, and respond adequately to the challenges of the present and the labor market, because the world is very changeable. Creative seminars, well-organized discussions of questions raised, interesting visual material interest students, encourage them to draw independent theoretical conclusions.
So, interestingly and creatively, creatively and emotionally, the new academic year began for the scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of pedagogy and for the students of the new set, who consciously and carefully approached the choice of specialty 015.37 "Professional education" on the way to realizing their own goal-to become a high – class, competitive specialist in the labor market in order to continue working for the benefit and prosperity of their native state.
Lidiia Cherednyk,
associate professor of the department of pedagogy