Constructive conversation of the scientist with instructors and publishers

August 30, 2023


Famous in Ukraine Ranok publishing house on the eve of the day of knowledge held All-Ukrainian conference on "Modern tools of educational losses: experience and opportunities". The purpose of this respected meeting is to discuss important issues related to education in 2019-2023, including textbook creation and textbook circulation. Over the past four years, due to objective reasons – covid and a full – scale russian invasion-the vector of educational activity in our country has changed dramatically. This issue was given exceptional importance at the forum, and responsible and forward-looking resolutions were adopted.

The main speakers at the meeting of the section "Language and literary industry: features of organizing training in modern conditions" were Doctor of philology, professor of the NULES of Ukraine Mykola Stepanenko, candidate of philological Sciences, associate professor of Kazarin Kharkiv National  University, author of textbooks on the Ukrainian language Inna Litvinova, methodologist of the Ranok publishing house Lyudmyla Shevchenko. The circle of those present is a whole army of teachers of their native language and literature, publishers who deal with textbooks. The meeting unanimously decided to give the floor to Nikolai Ivanovich, who has extensive scientific and pedagogical experience. He was a long-term expert of alternative school textbooks and programs on the Ukrainian language, chairman of all-Ukrainian student Olympiads, competitions "Teacher of the year". Linguodidactic studios of the scientist (articles, methodological manuals, sections in textbooks, Monographs) are well known to word writers, they appreciated them.


Mykola Stepanenko focused his attention on important linguistic, sociolinguistic, linguodidactic issues: effective ways to implement the law "on ensuring the functioning of the Ukrainian language as the state language", a new version of Ukrainian spelling, the specifics of the manifestation of dynamic processes in the area of modern language norms, the formation of the content of the school course of the Ukrainian language in accordance with the standards of the NUS. Each of the selected problems is analyzed systematically and convincingly, and rich real and virtual illustrative material is used. The professor spoke about the painful situation, he constantly relied on his experience of communicating with school philologists (for more than 35 years he has been lecturing them at advanced training courses). The speaker used a powerful oratorical potential, convincingly proving that all word specialists should master this art. The long conversation passed in an instant. It is important that it is effective. The logical conclusion of the didactic discourse is the scientist's concrete proposals for improving the preparation of native language textbooks for the NUS.


Mykola Ivanovych clearly pragmatized his own thoughts. He introduced students to the experience of his colleagues – professors, associate professors, assistants of the department of journalism and language communication of the NULES of Ukraine. The emphasis is placed on the fact that any institution of higher education should have a humanitarian aura. Before the eyes of the participants of the All-Ukrainian conference, the former Agricultural Institute, and now a multidisciplinary university with a high intellectual and spiritual index, appeared in a bright format. Mykola Ivanovych received many questions, including those related to career guidance. They received comprehensive answers through individual communication. Teachers, as they themselves admitted, want to see among students NULES of Ukraine those they teach and educate.


Lyudmyla Shevchenko,

methodologist of the Ranok publishing house

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