UKRAINE BEGINS WITH YOU: national Ukrainian identity through the eyes of young scientists

May 12, 2023


Love Your Ukraine.
Love her... in times of rage.
In the last, difficult moment
Pray to the Lord for her.
T. Shevchenko


 The identity of a nation is its civilizational brand, the socio - cultural niche of the country, which determines the basis of foreign and domestic policy of the state. The problem of identity, in particular national identity, has been and remains an important theoretical and methodological problem of humanitarian knowledge. The question of who we are and where our roots are is a defining question of the national identity of any nation, any ethnic group. National identity has become the dominant criterion of culture and identity. The difficulty of studying the phenomenon of national identity lies primarily in the fact that this problem not only concerns national feelings, but also is closely intertwined with the ideological and political factors of the existence of Ukrainian society. Awareness of one's nationality forms the basis of national identity. It includes ideas and knowledge about one's national community, its historical past and present, material and spiritual culture, and language. 

 Considering the importance and relevance of this problem, the department of philosophy and international communication ofthe faculty of humanities and pedagogyof NULES of Ukraine conducted a scientific and practical seminar "National Ukrainian identity through the eyes of young scientists", which was dedicated to 125th anniversary of NULES of Ukraine. The seminar was organized with the aim of forming the national and cultural identity of young people based on the values of ukrainocentrism. Such events are a common platform for discussing the global socio-cultural transformations taking place in our time, involving young scientists (postgraduates, students and students) in public speeches, debates and discussions of the challenges of our time that society faces in the present.

  The work of the scientific and practical seminar, which was held in full-time and remote format, was started by the initiator and moderator of the event, assistant of the department of philosophy and international communication Viktoriia Shekhovtsova-Buryanova, who noted that national identity is a conscious belonging to a national community on the basis of a stable emotional connection that arises as a result of an established system of ideas about traditions, culture, language, politics, as well as the adoption of group norms and values. Awareness and understanding of one's own identity is one of the most important motivational factors of behavior. National identity is not an innate trait. It arises from the acquired awareness of the commonality of culture, history, and language with a certain group of people.



 The deputy head of the department of philosophy and international communication addressed the participants of the seminar with a welcoming speech Olena Lauta, who determined the importance of studying the national identity of Ukrainians in the present.



  The deputy dean of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy Natalia Shevchenko, joined the seminar and noted with pleasure that our event brought together a large number of participants, and that young scientists show interest in such an extremely important event, because the National Ukrainian identity is a key issue for society.


 The practical part of the seminar was started by Anastasiia Sobko, student of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy, NULES of Ukraine, who presented the topic "The influence of the revolution of dignity on the national identity of Ukrainians."



 In her report "Vyshyvanka-beauty that protects identity" the student of the faculty of plant protection, biotechnology and ecology Kateryna Mankiv considered the importance of embroidery as a manifestation of Ukrainian identity.



 Kushko Maria, student of the faculty of law presented a report on the topic "The influence of Hryhoriy Skovoroda on the national identity of Ukrainians".



 Report on the topic "National identity and religion" was presented by Alla Lytvynchuk. Student of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy Derevinska Viktoriia, presented the topic "The impact of a full-scale russian invasion of the territory of Ukraine on Ukrainian identity and the problem of the language aspect."




 Blyznyuk Vitaliy, student of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy presented a report on the topic "The impact of the revolution of dignity on the national identity of Ukrainians"


 An interesting and relevant report on the topic "The influence of religion on the formation of Ukrainian national identity" was presented by Koretska Bozhena, 8th grade pupil, M. Kravchuk Lutsk Lyceum No. 21, who considered the features of the religious identity of Ukrainians.


  The topic of the seminar turned out to be so interesting for the participants that lively discussions were held and deep thoughts were expressed. It should be noted that the topics presented at the seminar aroused great interest not only among graduate students and students, but also among the organizers of the seminar themselves. Professor of the department of philosophy and international communicationVira Dodonova and senior lecturer Dmytro Chernomordenko took an active part in the discussion and raising questions.  


 General scientific and practical seminar "National Ukrainian identity through the eyes of young scientists" turned out to be an extremely interesting and fruitful event, which opened up an opportunity for students to present their own scientific achievements and declare themselves as young and very promising scientists. The event was an example of an interesting, relaxed dialogue between students of various faculties of NULES of Ukraine and teachers of the department of philosophy and international communication. Such events contribute to the comprehensive development of postgraduate and student youth, teach them to think and navigate in life. The activity of young representatives of various fields of knowledge who met at the scientific discussion platform, interesting topics proposed by the speakers, the critical mind of our students and the comprehensive support of teachers contributed to the seminar at a high scientific and theoretical level. All participants of the seminar received participant certificates and symbolic gingerbread cookies. 


 The existence and prosperity of the Ukrainian state is impossible without a general awareness of citizens of their civil and national identity, which begins with the identification of each citizen with the Ukrainian people. The feeling of such belonging through language, traditions, and values directly affects the life of each person. The search and preservation of one's own identity is relevant not only for Ukraine, but also for all nations and countries. Identity is not only the language you speak, it is something with which you can go into a better future, looking for all the opportunities in the world that help Ukraine and the Ukrainian people become great all over the world.
   We are sincerely grateful to all the participants of the seminar who came to us, and wish the young scientists health, further success, and Victory and long-awaited peace to the Ukrainians! 


Olena Lauta,
Viktoriia Shekhovtsova-Buryanova,
lecturers of the department of philosophy and international communication

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