Academic Council of humanitarians: we analyze what we have done, think about the future, work for the future, preserve and increase the intellectual potential of Ukraine
"The occupiers have identified culture, education and humanity as their enemies.
And they do not spare any missiles or bombs for them.
Ukraine, which strives to be competitive in the modern world,
it should define education and science as its strategic areas."
Volodymyr Zelenskyi, President of Ukraine
And even in difficult wartime, life goes on. This means that we must analyze what we have done, think about the future, work for the future, preserve and increase the intellectual potential of Ukraine. How to achieve this, what to rely on in your daily work, and how to improve the recruitment of new students at the faculty of humanities and pedagogy ‒ all this was discussed and solutions were sought at the Academic Council on June 7, 2023 in off- and on-line format.
The agenda was opened by the chairman of the Academic Council, dean of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy Inna Savytska, who informed the members of the Academic Council, the invited, the present about the results of the activities of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy in May: in particular, the session ended for 4th-year students, the session ends for 1-3-year students, masters of 1 year of study; on May 25, 2023, Section 4 was successfully completed. "Quality of education and humanities in the context of war and global challenges "within the framework of International scientific and practical conference "ecological component of food security in the context of globalization and martial law" (dedicated to the 125th anniversary of NULES of Ukraine) the certificate has been updated, which allows students and research and teaching staff to prepare for international exams of various levels, in particular Cambridge exams in English: about scientific, scientific, practical and cultural and sports events held by the faculty departments. The dean defined tasks for the summer period: educational and industrial practices, certification of Bachelor's graduates, preparation for the new academic year and, most of all, focusing on conducting a successful entrance campaign in 2023.
Competitive issues were put on the agenda. By secret ballot, the Academic Council supported the recommendations of the departments and supported the candidates Liudmyla Bilan to fill the position of associate professor of the department of management and educational technologies, Iryna Vakulyk – the department of journalism and language communication, Nelia Zuenko – the department of foreign philology and translation, Oksana Oliynyk and Lyudmyla Omelchenko – the department of psychology, Yuriy Rozhkov and Olena Syrotina – the department of Romance and Germanic languages and translation, Natalia Shevchenko – the department of international relations and social sciences.
The scientific report on the topic "Mental representation of the passage of time: psychological experiments and philosophical reflections" was presented by the professor of the department of psychology Olexiy Polunin. In his research work, arguments were presented about the ability of the cognitive system to produce not one, but several representations of the passage of time; a historical perspective and a view from the present on the question of how many representations of the passage of time the cognitive system is able to produce; the relevance of the idea of multiple mental representations of the passage of time for individual research in cognitive studies and philosophy.
The discussion was attended by a professor of the department of journalism and language communication Maryna Navalna, professor of the department of international relations and social sciences,Olexandr Shevchuk, professor of the department of psychology Vitaliy Shmarhun, head of the department of pedagogy Ruslan Sopivnyk, head of the department of philosophy and international communication Valentyna Kultenko.
The Academic Council approved the topics of dissertation research for postgraduates of 2023 admission: Roman Babkovych "Formation of ecological culture of future specialists of the agro-industrial sector in the educational environment of Universities of life sciences" for the degree of Doctor of philosophy in specialty 11 educational and pedagogical sciences; Svitoslav Kyiashko "Training of future heads of educational institutions in the master's program for the use of artificial intelligence systems" (as a basis) for the degree of Doctor of philosophy in the specialty "Professional education"; Serhiy Honchar "Training of trainers-teachers of specialized educational institutions for the application of innovative educational development technologies" for the degree of Doctor of philosophy in the specialty "Professional education"; Olexandr Vydyborets "Formation of readiness of future heads of educational institutions to apply innovative management technologies" for the degree of Doctor of philosophy in the specialty "Professional education"; Olexandr Nikolaev "Beet growing in Ukraine: formation, trends and features of development (XIX-XXI centuries) "(as a basis) for the degree of Doctor of philosophy in specialty 032 "History and archeology"; Anton Kuptsov "Cognitive styles in the structure of managerial culture of managers of agricultural companies" for the degree of Doctor of philosophy in the specialty "Psychology".
The Academic Council approved the recommendations of the educational and methodological Council of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy, approved educational materials for publication. This was announced by the chairman of the educational and methodological Council of the faculty Svitlana Amelina.

Dean of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy Inna Savytska summing up the work of the Academic Council, noted that the issue of career guidance work is also of paramount importance, the speed of which cannot be slowed down even in war conditions, because foreign universities create attractive admission conditions for our graduates. Permanent work requires the involvement of Bachelor's students in the EMI for admission to the master's program.
Inna Mykolaivna stressed that under martial law, the active dissemination of information about the faculty's specialties in social networks, individual online conversations, and the involvement of students in career guidance are the most important and almost the only ways to conduct career guidance.
Concluding the meeting, chairman of the Academic Council of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy Inna Savytska thanked the members of the Academic Council for their activity, advice and recommendations during the meeting, identified priority areas and tasks for the staff of the Faculty of humanities and pedagogy for the summer months of 2023, and advised them to take care of themselves and their health for effective work during the entrance campaign of 2023 and in the next 2023/2024 academic year.
Members of the Academic Council also considered other important issues of life activity at the faculty of humanities and pedagogy.
Svitlana Heiko,
secretary of the Academic Council of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy,
associate professor of the department of philosophy and international communication