Cooperation of the SECC of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine: agrochemists share their experience in using STEM education methods in the educational process

September 24, 2023

    STEM education today is an effective tool for forming a successful personality, generating new ideas and knowledge. This form of education is based on the use of practice-oriented forms of learning and helps students to orient themselves professionally.

   On September 20, the Author's Pedagogical Workshop "STEM - the World of Innovative Opportunities: Experience of Out-of-School Education Institutions" was held. The National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine was represented at the event: Nadiia Bordiuzha, Associate Professor of the Department of Agrochemistry and Quality of Crop Production, and Ihor Bordiuzha, Assistant of the Department of Agrochemistry and Quality of Crop Production.
   First of all, Nadiia Bordiuzha familiarized the participants with the structure of the university and the specialties in which our university trains specialists. She paid special attention to the capabilities of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. She also showed the laboratories and equipment of the Department of Agrochemistry and Quality of Crop Production. She also conducted career guidance. In addition, the department staff presented information on the forms of cooperation with the National Ecological and Naturalistic Center of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. These are various events: The All-Ukrainian Tournament of Young Chemists, the All-Ukrainian Competition "Young Breeder", various Exhibitions of Achievements of Young Naturalists-Researchers, All-Ukrainian Meetings of Young Researchers, competitions of scientific papers, advanced training for teachers, etc. Special attention was paid to the forms of interaction with students and teachers during the All-Ukrainian Tournament of Young Chemists.





   As a result of the discussion at the end of the event, the participants emphasized the importance of interaction in the triangle of "out-of-school education institutions - higher education - production". After all, we are creating a closed cycle in the training of a full-fledged, high-quality specialist. School and out-of-school education institutions must prepare a quality entrant who is already professionally oriented. Higher education institutions are interested in such applicants and strive to train high-quality specialists for production. Unfortunately, it is impossible to do this without the support of agribusiness in today's environment. In general, we need to move to a global model of training specialists, where production is directly involved in education at various levels. And it is very good that today our agribusiness is well aware of this and invests its resources in education.



So, we are working together to train a high-quality full-fledged specialist who will develop agribusiness in Ukraine!
We thank the Armed Forces of Ukraine for their titanic work and the opportunity for us to do our job in a free Ukraine and develop education in Ukraine!


Ihor Bordiuzha
Assistant of the Department of Agrochemistry
and quality of crop production


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