A diplomat is a person who will think twice before saying nothing

April 4, 2023


On March 27, 2023 at the department of international relations and social sciences as part of career guidance activities, the company "School of the young diplomat", which lasted for a week, until March 31, was launched. Students of grades 10-11 from many regions of Ukraine participated in the "School", which was facilitated by the online format of the event. More than 160 participants have registered. The event was moderated by candidates of historical sciences, associate professors ofthe department of international relations and public relations science Natalia Shevchenko and Lyudmyla Lanovyuk.

First day of the work of "School" was officially opened by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine, Minister of foreign affairs of Ukraine (2007-2009). Volodymyr Ohryzko, which congratulated the participants and outlined notable aspects of the international expert's activities. Yuriy Savchenko, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the Republic of Uzbekistan (2011-2019) also congratulated the participants. Serhiy Mishchenko, representative of the employers' council of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy shared his vision of prospects in the international profession. It is noteworthy that each of the participants noted the role and importance of the agricultural sector in international politics and the need for qualified international specialists in this field. The state of training of such specialists and the possibility of further professional growth at the the faculty of humanities and pedagogy of NULES of Ukraine was told by doctor of political sciences, professor and head of the department of international relations and social sciences Oleksandr Shevchuk.



Second day of the work of the "School" was presented by the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the Republic of Indonesia Vasyl Hamyanin. The diplomat shared his own path in the profession and noted the need to speak loudly about Ukraine on the international platform in the Asian region. The secrets of diplomacy as a path from sympathy to success were revealed in the speech by the doctor of philosophy, professor of the department of international relations and social sciences Volodymyr Kaluha.



     The third day the guests of "School" were Dmytro Ishchenko, founder of the Kyiv School of diplomatic arts as a centre for intellectual search and training in diplomacy and intercultural communication, diplomat and political analyst at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and mission of Ukraine to the European Union (2002-2010), and Artur Akopov – leading inspector of the sub-Saharan Africa department of the 5th territorial Department of the Ministry of foreign affairs of Ukraine. How today students, in particular international students, defend the interests of the country in the international educational space, told Dmytro Ishchenko. He shared information about the projects that Kyiv School of diplomatic art is currently implementing. What motives guided him when choosing a profession, what steps he overcame when walking in a certain direction, told Artur Akopov.




   Inna Khomenska – head of the MediaCenter Directorate of the General Directorate for servicing foreign representative offices shared her own experience of working with diplomatic missions in Ukraine on the fourth day of "School" functioning. A rich historical and cultural layer of Ukraine in the context of international communication was presented by doctor of historical sciences, professor of the department of international relations and social sciences Serhiy Bilan.



Candidate of historical sciences, associate professor spoke about protocol and etiquette as the key to a successful diplomat of the department of international relations and social sciences Yulia Sekunova on final day "School" work.



Personal cases of activity in the international sphere of each of the speakers of the "school" became an example of how you can and should strive for the goal of your future and how to realize yourself in the profession. Everyone emphasized the importance of knowledge of languages, history, culture and traditions of the peoples of the world, the expediency of permanent self-development. The work of the "School" was built on the foundation of a dialogue between its participants, the question and answer made the communication time "alive", which passed very quickly and imperceptibly.


The result of the activity of "School of the young diplomat" were the works of the creative contest: essays on the topic "The role of the diplomatic front in the russian-Ukrainian war" where everyone could express their individual opinions and share their impressions about the "struggle" in the international arena. "Diplomacy has long been not only a means of implementing foreign policy in the interests of the country in peaceful ways, but also a safeguard of political catastrophes and irreconcilable conflicts. I believe that the talent for this profession and the qualities that a person from the diplomatic sphere has are not given to everyone, so a good specialist is worth his weight in gold. Not everyone is able to quickly and accurately make the right decisions, withstand the onslaught of opponents in stressful situations and stand firm on their own, which is what this job requires. But this does not mean that an ordinary person, as a citizen of his state, cannot represent and protect the interests of the motherland at his own level," she wrote. Anzhelika Zhyzhko who took the first place. All winners received valuable prizes, which will be solemnly awarded at the Open days on April 6, 2023. All participants received certificates of participation in the event. "School of the young diplomat" as an educational and career guidance project helps future applicants make an informed choice and understand the specifics and features of studying at the University in specialties "International relations, public communications and regional studios".


 Natalia Shevchenko,
Lyudmyla Lanovyuk,
associate professors of the department of international relations and social sciences


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