VI international scientific and practical student conference "World of languages and languages of the world" was held

April 2, 2023

On March 30, 2023, the faculty of humanities and pedagogy of NULES of Ukraine hosted the VI international scientific and practical student conference "World of languages and languages of the world" – a prestigious scientific forum for young researchers. The conference is organized by the department of Romance and Germanic languages and translation. The purpose of the conference is to increase the efficiency and quality of scientific research, thoroughly study the problems of modern education, expand international contacts of the University, provide opportunities for international student exchange, strengthen motivation to study foreign languages and study modern problems in the field of philology and methods of teaching foreign languages.
     This year's conference brought together representatives of the international scientific community, students from Austria, Poland, Sweden, France, Hungary, the United States of America, and China. The geography of representatives of Ukrainian higher education institutions was also wide – from Slavyansk, Kherson, Poltava to Kamianets-Podilskyi, Lutsk. Scientists and students of the capital's leading universities joined the event: Taras Shevchenko National University of KyivNational University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" as well as teachers and students of general secondary education institutions.
     The deputy dean of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy of NULES of Ukraine, doctor of philology, professor Svitlana Kharchenko, addressed the participants and guests of the event with a welcoming speech; director of Kyiv gymnasium of oriental languages № 1, honored worker of education of Ukraine Oksana Proskura, doctor of philology, professor, head of the department of Romance and Germanic languages and translation of  NULES of Ukraine Maria Lychuk wished everyone fruitful and inspired work.

     The plenary session started its work with the speech of Oksana Havriyov, PhD in philology, associate professor at the Institute of teachers ' education of the University of Vienna with a report "Language and war". The speaker highlighted issues of language and consciousness, language and violence, verbal aggression, language humor during the war, primarily of interest to the student community.


     Mykola Movchan, head of the Union of Ukrainians of Western Australia the administrator of the Taras Shevchenko School of Ukrainian language and culture congratulated the participants of the scientific event on behalf of the Ukrainian diaspora in Australia.
     The report by Alla Renska, student of the Kereshi gymnasium (Hungary) «Hrigoriy Skovoroda und Ungarn» aroused great interest. A young researcher found a Hungarian trace in the life of Hryhoriy Skovoroda, noting that the philosopher was staying in 1744-1751 in the city of Tokai. Hungarian Ukrainians keep the memory of Hryhoriy Skovoroda on land, which, according to the poet, was "beloved Hungaria" for him.


     The reports of other speakers of the plenary session were also distinguished by their diversity and relevance: Aaron Harforda, Ph.D candidate, Faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automatics, Kyiv Polytechnic Institute of Igor Sikorsky (Utilization of Internet-Based One-On-One English Platforms for the Exchange of Perspectives and Ideas in STEM); Anton Dreiman, assistant of the department of Romance and Germanic languages and translation NULES of Ukraine (The use of chatbots for teaching languages).



     Research and teaching staff and students shared their views on the need to conduct such scientific events.
Oksana Tepla, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department of Romance and Germanic languages and translation, member of the conference organizing committee: "The main goal of the conference is to introduce students to research in the field of linguistics and translation, to develop their skills and abilities to present scientific achievements. My speech touches on the problem of the problem of language as "soft power" as opposed to "hard", a report on the topic "Language as a tool of soft power in creating a positive image of Ukraine in the international arena". The concept of "soft power" is not new in linguistics, political science, and diplomacy. Many influential countries have long used this tool as a potential image of the state».

     Kateryna Lupinova, first-year student of specialty "Philology""English has become a second language for me, I even sometimes think in it. I have prepared a report on how important it is to learn English, and why it ranks first among all languages. English is a really important language, because it is the most widely spoken in the world, and it is studied in almost all countries. I am very pleased that I have the opportunity to communicate with native English speakers at the conference".
    Adriana Lyashenko, first-year student specialty "Philology": «For me, participating in this conference is an experience. I also had the opportunity to cover my topic "False friends of the translator". This is very interesting, because scientists and students from other European countries, in particular Hungary, Austria, France, etc., take part in the conference. Each of them talks about their native language, respectively, their reports are in a foreign language, so I have the opportunity to practice".


     The conference continued its work on breakout sessions in the following areas: pictures of the world in Romano-Germanic and Slavic languages; actual problems of translation studies and intercultural communication; modern discursology and communication theory; modern problems of psychology and linguistics in the present; linguistic and methodological aspects of teaching foreign languages; historical and philosophical thought: world practice; pedagogical theories and practices in a multicultural educational environment. They have confidently embarked on a scientific path, and we believe that participating in the conference has helped them gain confidence in their scientific endeavors.


     Based on the results of the conference, an electronic collection of conference materials was prepared.

     Thank you to the conference participants for their fruitful work, active discussion and scientific interest in linguistic problems!


Yordana Kurhanevych,
1st year student of the specialty "Journalism",
Oksana Tepla,
associate professor of the department of Romance and Germanic languages and translation


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