"Career guidance work and social networks work in tandem for results: humanitarians improve their image in the information space

March 31, 2023


Modern life is hard to imagine without social networks - this is not the future, but the present. In the era of the XXI century, society is massively digitalized. This phenomenon cannot be avoided in the educational process. This is not to say that the era of "chalk and blackboard" is already over, but modern challenges require instructors to know current trends and trends in the digital field and use them for their needs in the educational process.

 On March 30, 2023 the faculty of humanities and pedagogy, led by the dean Inna Savytska, and the department of philosophy and international communication organized and conducted a scientific and practical seminar "Verbal and visual components of creating an effective image of the University and faculty in social networks and their use in career guidance work".

  The purpose of this event was to create a positive image of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy, activate the activities of the research and teaching staff, students in maintaining social pages of departments, use the opportunities of social networks as tools for communication with potential applicants, and spread career guidance information in social networks.
 The dean of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy Inna Savytska addressed the participants of the seminar with an introductory speech noting that the global informatization of society has led to significant changes in the forms of interpersonal communication and the transmission and dissemination of information. Unlimited opportunities and wide reach of the target audience are one of the most significant advantages of social networks, because they are a direct channel of communication with the public thanks to which we not only have more control over the presentation of facts and arguments, but also can reach our target audience better, more fully and faster. Social networks provide an opportunity to move from one-way (providing information to the audience) to two-way communication, which implies the presence of feedback, attracting the subscriber community, parents, students, applicants to the dialogue, and receiving their feedback.


 Today's youth is a generation that is immersed in social networks and digital technologies. And most applicants and students use these technologies as a source of information, including as a way to choose their future specialty and University. Using social networks, prospective students can get an unofficial student vision of the situation at the University, which they will not be able to find on the official web pages of the selected institution.
 The ability to answer directly to the audience's questions and comments avoids misunderstandings and unreliability of information. Thus, the better organized our social media presence is, the better our contact with our target audience will be. Today, of course, social networks are an effective channel for implementing our communication strategy, popularizing the image of the University and faculty.
 The dean's office has set itself the goal of adopting the maximum use of the internet, further dissemination of information related to the entrance campaign through social networks. This is search engine optimization to create effective, accessible, proven content that is as relevant as possible for both search engines and users.


 Responsible for image promotion of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy in social networks associate professor of the department of philosophy and international communication Olena Lauta in her report "Verbal and visual communication models as components of image" analyzed the available resources, informed about the state of existing sites and their activity. Now all 13 departments of the faculty have a representative office in the network Facebook, and almost everything is online in Instagram. We are working on 100% representation in social networks. Some departments also fill in content in the well-known multifunctional Messenger Telegram and posts videos on a popular video hosting service YouTube. We keep up with the times, so given the popularity among generation of a multimedia platform for creating and sharing amateur video clips online inTikTok - we are also mastering this channel. We involve students in video shooting and creative expression.
  Answering the audience's questions, Olena Dmytrivna made a comparative analysis of Facebook and Instagram, noting that Facebook is a "text/verbal" network, while Instagram is designed more for filling with visual information, it is a "visual network." Each social network has its own audience, and the same information can be presented in a different way. You should select target groups for each of the networks and adapt the material according to their characteristics. Therefore, viewing a feed on one network can harmoniously complement monitoring another. At the same time, you can use the selected social networks to distribute materials by sending or posting this material on your page by users. In her report, she focused the attention of those present on how to position themselves in social networks, what goals and objectives are faced by administrators of social groups and those responsible for career guidance work.


 Lecturer of the department of philosophy and international communication Viktoria Shekhovtsova-Buryanova made a report "Strategies for the development of social pages of departments of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy in the Instagram network". She noted that the main feature of Instagram is that this network is visual and allows you to share photos. The visual is very important, because today's young people perceive information visually, and only then read the message. Sometimes images can convey more information than written text. experience shows that this platform can be very useful if used correctly. The pages of faculties and departments on Instagram, in fact, become a second site, so it is important to understand the requests of followers and use the most effective principles of interaction with them.


 NULES of Ukraine, the faculty of humanities and pedagogy, having official pages in popular social networks, use them for conducting image work, spreading information on the life of the University, and informing about the benefits of studying that are useful for future students and their parents. Administrators of these groups provide reliable information about the university, actively promote the University's activities, add up-to-date information, photos, hash tags, ads, and many other interesting things. This approach allows you to immerse yourself in the life of the university even before becoming a student in it. 
 Deputy dean Igor Butsik he noted that for an effective and desired result, work in social networks should be carried out constantly, with systematic content filling. After all our social media pages are a kind of business card in the digital world, they reflect the University's policy, organization of the educational process, cultural and sports life.


 Bohdan Nazarov, the deputy dean drew the attention of those present to the advantages of conducting career guidance in social networks: and this is communication with representatives of the target audience at a time convenient for all parties; the ability to provide information in a convenient form at the request of the user; expanding the target audience; saving time by providing standard responses to visitors to groups and pages in social networks; the ability to analyze the activities of the target audience; conducting career guidance in social networks. High school students are faced with the choice of their future profession, and properly conducted information career guidance work among them should become the basis on which the professional interests and intentions of applicants will develop in the future. Thus, the use of search engine optimization provides effective career guidance using social networks.

 Creating the image and reputation of an institution is a prerequisite for the University and faculty to reach a qualitatively new level of cultural and social relations with the public. The image of a modern university can be considered as a collective image that reflects the positive impression, prestige, and reputation of an educational institution, which are purposefully formed and maintained. After all, a positive image becomes a factor in the successful development of a modern university. Social media takes a long time, but this investment is worth it! Therefore, we hope that our investment in the image and career guidance Information space will give positive results.


 Olena Lauta,
Viktoria Shekhovtsova-Buryanova, lecturers of
the department of philosophy and international communication


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