Maintain the educational and volunteer front! We are bringing victory closer!
Volunteer and social activities that intensified during the war in Ukraine once again show the strength and strength of the Ukrainian people. Volunteers who are constantly engaged in helping others are in stressful and conflict situations. At the moment, there are projects that are aimed at supporting activists, volunteers, and representatives of charitable foundations. In particular, one of them is the project "Let's stay calm and prepare for winter" which is implemented in Mykolaiv and implemented by the Resource Center for public initiatives with the assistance of the United Nations Development Program UNDP Ukraine / UNDP in Ukraine and funding from the Government of Denmark provided within the framework of the United Nations program for the restoration and development of peace.
This program includes a series of trainings on pre-medical care, collective therapeutic sessions on pottery, art therapy practices, individual sessions and group work sessions with a psychologist, as well as seminars on conflictology. In particular, lectures, practical and interactive classes in conflictology were conducted by candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of the department of international relations and social sciences, deputy dean of the faculty of humanities and pedagogyof NULES of Ukraine Natalia Shevchenko.

The main topics discussed are the role of conflicts in times of war, constructive and destructive consequences of conflict situations, as well as the main techniques and technologies for conducting effective negotiations and effective methods of avoiding and managing conflict situations.
The events were attended by volunteers, public activists, representatives of various spheres and different social status and views. But at the end of each seminar, the participants, after discussion and discussions, came to the conclusion: "You need to be hard on problems and soft on people". We are holding an educational and volunteer front! We believe in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and bring our victory closer!
Natalia Shevchenko,
associate professor of the department of international relations and social sciences,
deputy dean of the faculty of humanities and pedagogy