Educational event of the department of English for technical and agrobiological specialties "Valentine's day-2023: new realities of interpretation"

February 16, 2023


On  February 14 the scientific-pedagogical staff of English language department for technical and agrobiological specialties conducted the educational event "St. Valentine's day-2023: new realities of interpretation" with students of higher education of the faculty of land management, faculty of mechanics and technology, Institute of energy, automation and energy saving and Institute of forestry and park gardening, agrobiological faculty and faculty of construction and design, faculty of plant protection, etc. Students were asked to solve puzzles, get acquainted with the legend of the origin of the holiday, play the online game Kahoot, sign a valentine card to a loved one, and so on.


   But we must admit that this year this holiday is perceived by Ukrainians in a completely different way.


   In the conditions of constant waiting for the alarm signal, being under the influence of information about natural disasters, destruction and daily losses of the innocent color of our nation among the military and civilians both in battle and in the rear, it is important to introduce students to the awareness of the sharpness of perception of fleeting happiness, to teach them to appreciate others, to be kinder to each other, not to waste the moments of life for which our heroes have already given their lives or paid off with their physical and psychological health, changed the peaceful way of life, left their families and homes - they have done and are doing everything to protect all of us from rashist invasion. It is necessary to be worthy of the right to live, to create both for them and for yourself, to actively master science for the development of new technologies for the future restoration of Ukraine, to take care of the long-suffering nature, to move away from consumer interests, the position of "my hut on the edge", to actively participate in the restoration of the environment, to help both nature and man, to protect Ukraine at least at their level through language, internal culture, self-improvement, useful actions, science as a way of life, etc. At the same time, it is important to have time to enjoy a carefree youth at the same time - to find love, make an offer, read poems, add bright peaceful colors for reloading and inner recovery.

It is appropriate in this context to recall the poem of our classic M. Rylskyi, who lived near our Alma Mater.



We love work, which has turned into creativity,
And hot music that gently presses the heart
Human happiness has two equal wings:
Roses and grapes, beautiful and healthy.

   Accordingly, Valentine's day in modern realities becomes the day of valence of our souls - as the development of the properties to unite, improve themselves, be in the state of a conscious citizen and a carefree young man, show empathy and support, forming new connections. And we still hope that love will save the world!


N. Yaremenko,
acting head of the department of the English Language for
technical and agrobiological specialties,
K. Yakushko,
associate professor of the department of the English language for
technical and agrobiological specialties



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