Lecturers and students-journalists discussed the new law "On media" at a round table

February 16, 2023


Department of journalism and language communication conducted round table "Implementation of the law of Ukraine "On media" in modern conditions". The participants of the round table discussed the new law of Ukraine "On media", recently adopted by the Verkhovna Rada. The event was attended by both instructors and students studying for a bachelor's and master's degree in specialty "Journalism".



Head of the department, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Natalia Kostrytsya outlined the implementation of the law in educational and professional activities, as well as informed students on which platforms it is possible to get acquainted in detail with the document and the content of discussions around it.


Professor of the department, doctor of philology Maryna Navalna focused on the adoption of the law as one of the steps of Ukraine's accession to the EU, showed the structure of the "Law "On media", and focused on those media laws that have become invalid.


Tetiana Semashko, professor of the department, doctor of philology in her speech on the new law raised a topical issue: is the law a threat to freedom of speech or a compromise step towards European integration? Which, without a doubt, has grounds for discussion.



Candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of the department of journalism and language communication Natalia Adamchuk took part in the discussion, which focused in detail on the activities of the print media.



Associate professor of the department of journalism and language communication, an experienced journalist, joined the discussion Oleksandr Savenko.



Considerations regarding the implementation of the law were expressed by a first-year master's degree student Diana Kharchuk.
Students-journalists will continue to study and analyze the law "On media" at the lectures and practical classes of journalistic disciplines.


Sofia Krekoten,

second - year student of the specialty "Journalism"

To Applicants (синій)Regional Educational Institutions (синій)Press-centre

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